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Battlefield 3(BF3) Review

The Singleplayer:

The singleplayer aspect of the game plays just like your standard First Person Shooter. You click left trigger, you click right trigger, with some awesome set pieces throw in. The singleplayer was never the main reason for buying the game. BF3's singleplayer will take you a few hours to beat, increasing as you increase the difficulty. If you don't have online capabilities, don't buy this game for the singleplayer, it honestly isn't worth it.

The Co-op Missions:

These are much like Call of Dutys: Spec Ops. They place you and a friend/stranger in a situation where you must work as a team to over come massive odds. The levels range from Horde style wave-progression, to helicopter flying, to a stealth inflitration of a stronghold. To play the co-op missions, you MUST insert an online code.

The Multiplayer:

Battlefields bread and butter. You unlock guns by leveling a specific class, and you unlock specfic attachments by getting points for the gun. Every time you play a game mode, the modes being Rush, Conquest, Team Death Match, Squad Rush, and Squad Death Match, the action is fact and different. No two games are ever the same. However, with that being said, if you don't have at least one other person to play the game with, you will not enjoy it as much. This game is not like Call of Duty where one person can win a game by sitting in a corner. You need to push up, you need to heal, get ammo, and that just won't happen by yourself.

Overall. I give the game a 8.5 out of 10. It would have gotten higher, but it had many bugs that I found that are mostly just due to them not expecting people to do certain things. All in all, they made a good game, and if you can get a squad, or even half of one, you'll enjoy the game too.

Hope to see you on the battlefield.

Battlefield 3 Review

The Singleplayer:

The singleplayer aspect of the game plays just like your standard First Person Shooter. You click left trigger, you click right trigger, with some awesome set pieces throw in. The singleplayer was never the main reason for buying the game. BF3's singleplayer will take you a few hours to beat, increasing as you increase the difficulty. If you don't have online capabilities, don't buy this game for the singleplayer, it honestly isn't worth it.

The Co-op Missions:

These are much like Call of Dutys: Spec Ops. They place you and a friend/stranger in a situation where you must work as a team to over come massive odds. The levels range from Horde style wave-progression, to helicopter flying, to a stealth inflitration of a stronghold. To play the co-op missions, you MUST insert an online code.

The Multiplayer:

Battlefields bread and butter. You unlock guns by leveling a specific class, and you unlock specfic attachments by getting points for the gun. Every time you play a game mode, the modes being Rush, Conquest, Team Death Match, Squad Rush, and Squad Death Match, the action is fact and different. No two games are ever the same. However, with that being said, if you don't have at least one other person to play the game with, you will not enjoy it as much. This game is not like Call of Duty where one person can win a game by sitting in a corner. You need to push up, you need to heal, get ammo, and that just won't happen by yourself.

Overall. I give the game a 8.5 out of 10. It would have gotten higher, but it had many bugs that I found that are mostly just due to them not expecting people to do certain things. All in all, they made a good game, and if you can get a squad, or even half of one, you'll enjoy the game too.

Hope to see you on the battlefield.

I'm a cheap ass, so what?

So I've come to the conclusion that I will never spend $60 on a game unless I know for a fact I will 1) enjoy it a lot and 2) get many many many hours out of the game. For example, Skyrim and Borderlands 2. Both games I bought and will buy for sixty dollars, respectively.

Why the change form buying every AAA title that releases for more than half a weeks worth of pay? (minimum wage isn't fun) Games have absolutely no staying value. You buy a game for sixty, and two weeks later, it droped five-ten bucks. two months later is a whole other story.

If you read my last blog post(why didn't you, if you didn't?) you will see that I started using a website called Glyde. Glyde is basically Ebay but more focused on games and technology in general, though they do sell books too. I can sell my games on there for an amazing deal, generally better than gamestop, but I can also buy games on there for cheaper than gamestop, both new and used.

As of two weeks aog, I bought Battlefield 3 and Lord of the Rings: War in the North for 47.00 exactly. If you add in the ten dollar code for Battlefields online, 57 dollars. I got two basically brand new games for the price of one. I didn't lose out on not buying them early, I had plenty of games to play while I waited. BF3 still has an active community, and I have a full squad every time I play.

I honestly suggest gamers to do their research on games, and don't spend the money if you won't pay it.

Glyde review

I signed up for a Glyde account yesterday, and I must say, the over-all design of the web site and the easy of use makes it awesome. For the few of you who don't know what Glyde is, it is just like E-Bay, only the sell just CD's, Books, DVD's, and Games. With that being said, I already sold three games in a single day, and one of those games I sold litterally an hour after I set up my account. The best part of it? You don't need to spend any money on shipping it. They send you a pre-stamped Mailer that has the addressed on it; all you have to do is drop the game in and send it.

At the time being, I soldFable II for$20.53,Call of Duty: Black Ops for$32.41, and Red Dead Redemption for$18.11. That is around three to four more dollars then Gamestop would give me (minus the cost of driving there). All in all, I am very pleased with Glyde so far.

Homefront review.

What is Homefront some of you may ask. Homefront is a new IP published byTHQand developed byKaos Studios. You start off by watching a short video showing you what happened all the way up to the year 2027. You play as Robert Jacbos, a pilot with "fight expereince". You wake up in a run down shack, with New Korean Federation of Occupied America broadcasting on the raido. You have a few seconds to look around, then Korean police bust down your door and take you to a trasnport bus. The plot is about pushing Korea out of America, with plenty of "Holy Fu..." moments along the way.

That basically sums up the five-ish hour long campaig, though they are adding DLC to increase the length of it. Where the real fun comes is the multiplayer. The control system is exactly Call of Duty, which isn't a bad thing. It plays fast, vechiles feel good, and each gun is balacned. Speaking of guns, there are Six Assault Rifles, two LMGS, twp SMGS, and two Sniper Rifles, along with a downloadable pump-action shotgun if you pre-order. With that being said every gun feels "right" except the last sniper rilfe you unlock, it feel as if the accuracy is off on it, by a lot. Enough about the guns, you want to know about the killing.

There are two game modes, and both have three game types in them. You could play normal Ground Control(GC) with 32 players. Basically this is domination on Call of Duty. The second type is, obviously, Team Deathmatch(TDM). You play with 24 players on this type. The last one is Skirmish, you play with a tiny 16 players, but it swaps between TDM and GC. The only problem with Skirmish is that it does not suport dedicated severs like the other two.

The second mode is Battle Commander(BC) GC, TDM, and Skirmish. BC spots "threats" or players that going on a massive killing spree. The more kills they get, the more perks they get on them. While if you bring down a threat, you get extra BP.

BP, or Battle Points, lets you buy your "Purchase Slot". These range fomr Personal UAV Sweeps that last until you die, to mortar strikes and rocket launcher. You get BP by killing people, getting an assist, or knifing them, along with capturing GC points. Also, if you die, you do not lose any points you had before you died, but the only last for that single game.

All in all, I am surprisngly impressed by Kaos and this game. I didn't think I would be having this much fun on this game, but in my opinion it rocks. Will it draw you away from CoD or Halo? Probably not, but it sure is a not change up.

I give this game a 7.5-10

When will single player die?

Time and time again, I will see a review or a video for a game that I just can't wait for it to come out. Then I see the deal breaker. Single-player only. I'm sure there are some people out there that don't have a fast enough internet connection to play on-line, but sixty dollars is just way to much to charge for a single player game. I believe that any game realsed should have some form of co-op or multiplayer. Who doesn't want to explore a brand new game, with new weapons, enemies, and strategies to defeat each level, with a buddy? Of course, a well crafted story is great every now and then, is it worth sixty dollars? I could buy a book that would, more than likely, have a better story for around $16 USD.

Common game companies, we wan't co-op, and we want it now!

Fallout New Vegas Review.

Fallout: New Vegas(F:NV) is an action RPG, using the same engine that Fallout 3(FO3) used, developed byObsidianEntertainment, and published byBethesda Softworks. You do not need to play any other Fallout game to get the story of F:NV. The game starts off by you getting shot in the face and left for dead, thanks to the over-friendly and a tad creepy robot Victor, you are still alive, and in the town of GoodSprings, where your first "house" will be. If you did play FO3 one of your big problems will probably be that it had no aiming down the iron sights, but don't worry! F:NV has it! A fairly decent job if I say so. The main story of F:NV is all about hunting down the man who shot you, but I don't want to spoil anything so I will talk mainly about the side missions.

Quests. Fallout: New Vegas is teeming with side missions. I feel like I've done more side missions in an hour of play F:NV then playing the entire game of FO3. This is a very good think if you like to take the main mission slow, and even if you don't, you don't have to do them.

Fighting. as I stated before, they added aiming down the iron sight. This feature in itself is awesome, but they didn't stop there, this game is has an abounding amount of guns. Want a minigun that shoots grenades? Done. Want a huge sword called a "bumper sword"? Done. But not only can you find unique weapons of the ones stated, you can add "Mods" or modifications to the normal weapons, such as scopes, for zooming in, bigger clips, and lighter stocks to actually make the gun lighter itself.

MICS. A few other random things they added are Hardcore mode, in that ammo has weight (Around .3) you need to drink, eat, and sleep regularly or else you will die from dehydration, starvation, or sleep deprivation. This adds a very nice challenge on top of the game, and compliments Very Hard difficulty very nicely.

This was just a quick review of some added features to the game, and I made sure to limit any spoilers. If you don't already have this game, I would suggest picking it up. I play on Very Hard+Hardcore and have put over 60 hours into my first character. You can buy this game brand new for USD 60 for normal or USD 80 for special.

Games Getting Easier.

This has been stated many times now, but it is the sad truth. I remember reading in an OXM(I think) that in a study, USA doesn't like harder games where as Russia(?) and UK don't like FPS as much. I don't know where they took this study, but I LOVE harder games, and so do every single friend I've talked to about it. The only problem is, most companies don't make games "hard" they just increase the hp of the enemy. I would rather be out-smarted, I.E flanked/ trapped, by A.I, then beat by his crazy hp.

Learn to play the game you're playing.

I don't know how many games I play where people just don't understand what it is they are doing. One big one is Battlefield Bad Co. 2. I don't know how many times I'll see an Assault run by without throwing ammo down, or a medic run by and not give any health/revive. They are not playing their class to its' full potential. Just today, I am playing as a medic, I am running around with a random person in a different squad, he goes down, I pick him up and we keep going. Shortly after that I die in front of him, and he just keeps on running. Do people not understand you can pick up someone's kit and use it to revive them? This goes for any game, if you are going to play it, at least know what you're doing.

Sacred 2 Fallen Angel Review

This game I played when it first came out, and it just didn't seem that good. A year later, and three friends later, and I put almost 65 hours into it, at the first play through. To average that, I spent 60 hours on Fallout 3, with all dlc and side quest completed and level 30. On Borderlands 60 hours in I beat all DLC quest and made it to level 61 and killed Cramerax a couple times. On Sacred 2, 60 hours in, I am level 46, 20% of the side quest complete and only 30% of this huge map find. This game is huge, and actually pretty challenging. The game has 4 difficulty setings, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Niob. I bought this game for 17 bucks at Gamestop, and glad I tried it again.

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