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Ok! so, there are alot of new cool games to every format (PS3, Xbox360, Wii, PSP, NDS, PC etc). Xbox360 and PS3 also getting their own motion controllers soon. But one thing I wonder is ... where the heck is the Lightgun games?

I'm a fan of many types of games. I love Fighting games, FPS games, RPGs, Action games (in the DMC style), Simulators (like Gran Turismo, or various Flight and Mechasims). I Also like RTS, Turnbased tactics games, and games like The Sims, Sim City and more. I love almost every type of game, besides the "BAD" games. Games with awkward controlls, bad storytelling, or bad graphics (in comparison to its platform). Im Enough technical educated and interested to appreciate a game for what platform its on. I can still think games for 8-bit era to be beautiful, if its done for a 8-bit platform. I also love both 2D and 3D games, depending on the artistic aproach. I love games in general.

But one segment that I've been missing is the old arcade classics of Light-gun games. WHEN are we gonna se proper games with a gun? on the PS2 there are some lightgun games I have and played alot. So now Im egerly waiting for the next-gen "lightgun" games. But they seem to bee ....blown into oblivion. (not the game, but the actuall place)

I need some lightgun games! and I didnt see any one in the E3. Maybe there where some Lightgun games, but Gamespot didnt show them anyhow. Maybe there will be some "lightgun" games out later, in 2010 or so, when the PS3 and Xbox360 motion thingie will come out in the stores. But anyhow. I want one now.

Is it only me? or do anyone else also love the feeling of an actuall light gun game!?

Isnt it a total arcade experience to have a shoot out with a lightgun?

what happened to the GunCon3?

Give me some lightgun games ... please!

Playstation3 BC On my mind!

Whe should unite, gather together! For a PS3 BC!

Whats PS3 BC then?

Well, it depends on who you ask. It could mean:

Before Crippled

Before Cropped

Before Crap

Brain Crash

Bad Choise

or simply - "Backward Compatibility" ... with PS2 games that is.

But its more then PS2 BC! It's also thouse small features like, Extra USB ports (used to be two extra in the back ... if I dont remember it wrong), or the Card Reader that swallowed Memory Stick, Compact Flash and Secure Dicital Cards, that was nice, but now its gone. Increadible odd. Wasnt it suposed to the "ultimate premium high quality multimedia machine"!?

Some might think, "well, stop complaining and get a USB HUB! and Buy a PSTwo Slim, its small, and if you want to read cards, just get a USB Cardreader thingie!" well ... How premium, and ultimate does it feel, to have the TV-bench getting cluttered with alot of external add-ons and extra wires? Isnt it enough to have all the Gamepads, Wheels, Joysticks, Eyecam, Remote, Game-boxes, PSP etc standing alongside the black monolith (that looks premium in its own)?! Well, its doesnt. Sony whas in the right lane at the beginning, sleek, good looking and omnipotent. Look at others that have branded them selfe as premium companies. Apple, B&O, Bentley ... Sleek, clean ... and clutter free.

Well thats just my own thoughts on the subject. If this was an ideal world, then Sony Playstation should have at least two lines, a cheaper simlper version, and a PSX Elite version (as they had in the beginning in Japan!). Well, everyone, thats still alive, or old enough, knows that this world is far from ideal.

Sad but true.

But anyhow ... I want PS3 BC.

Crappy Gamespot MindControl

I Got "Moderated" (as its so smooth is called in these modern days) for the first time ever, in yesterday. Cool. 8)

But on the other side, this just shows how bleeping-up US/UK internet censorship has become. Dont know what "word" its was that got stuck in the "moderation" filter. Probably one common word like the "S"-word. But whatever, it doesnt matter, it can be whatever word.

Internet sites and some MMO games, seems so "sensitive" for bad language that its not uncommon to be missunderstod or incomprehensive when sending away a chewed out mess on the forums or chat-channels, just because its been "censored". when using rather common slang.


Its rather funny actually. I'm from a country where I, and my fellow countrymen (and women), are so used whith freespeach, nothing is really considered bad language, if its not a childrensbook, that I (cant talk for all in my country) dont even think about self-censoring my thoughts and texts. This is one of thouse funny and weird contradictions that seem so typicall for US. Its OK to shot the head of a cop in a game, or se it in a movie, rape, torture etc, but "dont you dare wright that F word, or else ... ! and for christs sake dont show of any nudity!!!" ...


The fun connection to this, is that the comment that was "moderated" and deleted ... was a comment I wrote under the Flavors of Fear video. Its obviously OK to see heads and limbs decapitated, body splatter to pools of goo, weird looking sexistic zombie-nurses (silent hill), right out murder, etc, but "oops" some-one said the "S" word. "Moderate him"?!

Maybe thouse site-rules should be listed as one of the flavors?! ;)

So its been a reminder to me. That I Live in a true freespeach country, where you're actually free to tell your mind to others ... and that internet have become a chat-blog for juveniles, and their "overprotected moms".

Take care folks. :)

(and we'll see if this also going to be "moderated" ... nice word for "censored" ... for all you that lack experience!)


Okey. Its that time of year now, its time for halloween, here in Sweden anyway.

Watched the Scary Game vid - Flavors of Fear - from GS. Think they missed out some über-scary games, like Alien vs Predator. That game really killed my nerves ...

Well Anyhow. Just this moment I'm thinking about all easter-egg (special event) content in all MMO RPGs. I havnt played that many MMO games, but the one's I have played all have holiday specialls, and dont missunderstand me, I think its great fun with Holiday Specials. Breaks away from all repetive stuff for a week or two.

But! I've been playing WoW a couple of months lately, but it expired a couple of weeks ago. Mainly cause I was planing to start playing WAR soon. But the game came later then expected, and at this moment I Realise that it probably wont work om my aprox 3 year old rigg. It wasnt state of the art even when it was new! *sigh*. So I have to wait untill I have the money to upgrade, at least my RAM, before I install WAR.

Anyhow! this means that I'll miss out the Helloween party online. Well Runescape is still free, but I allready have the Halloween specialls there (from last year) ... but I probably should log in (after some months away from Runescape) to see whats new, while I'm waiting to getting started with WAR (Warhammer Online: Age of Reconning, for those who dont know what WAR means!)

its rather funny, how much of ones life has moved to the digital realm, and thats just over the resent years. Then think ahead, what lies in the future, how much will "Second Life" rule our "First Life". Its kinda mezmerising, and scary to think over it.

In the year 2020, when "Playstation V", and "Xbox Dizzy" is out, and you are cyberlinked to the machine, you'll probably thinking the opposite ... "damn, I havnt payed the monthly fee, to get my log-out clearance, so I'm stuck in this "MMOG" this Helloween, well well".


Its Halloween, maybe I should dig up some old "horror" game that I havnt completed yeat? Hmm ... Project Zero (Fatal Frame), AvP2, Siren, Silent Hill 3.

Well. Synes. ;)

What happened to PS3?

It's finally time for a new Blog Post.

I Havnt been posting anything here for ages. So what what do I have in mind this time? Well its about my dissapointment with the Playstation3. OK I can reveal it right away, I'm a PS Fanboy (or rather, against MS Xbox! some old habits are hard to get rid off) :)

I Have to complain.

When PS3 came out, I realy wanted one. I still do, but I dont want the "newer" versions. I want the older 60GB version. Why? Cause the downgrading they did with PS3.

Where did backward compatibility go? I dont want to buy a new PSTwo (or PS2), to play my large bunch of PS2 games, when my PS2 finally leaves this life. Well, its possible that I wont play my old PS2 games that much when I get a PS3 (as I didnt play that many of my older PSOne games on my PS2), but I want the option, and the simplisity of just having to have "ONE" friggin console attached to my Telly! So what the hell where they thinking at Sony? I can understand why they did it in some ways. The PS2 scene still lives. And to cash in more on that scene, they splitted the PS3, into just PS3 and a PS2 addon tactics (by two mashines is better then bying one!). But heck! its stupid non the less. One of theplus thing with PS3 whas the LARGE game libriary "not just Next Gen games, but also play your older PS2 and PS1 games on this super multimedia über game consol". Well that went out the window! adios.

Where did the Cardreader go? Wasnt it a good idea to have a cardreader that could store gamesaves, photos, movies etc. It took MemorySticks, Compact Flash, Secure Digital. Great! Superb! Exelent! "Finaly Sony shows some brains, in letting other formats being compatible with their stuff, instead of just their own standards!" ... but that was also thrown out the window.

And what about this removal of some USB ports? are they stupid? Well you probably only need 2 USB ports, if you are a casuall first time Playstation Owner! And yeah, the PS2 to PS3 Gamepad and memorycard into USB thingie isnt needed anylonger now when the friggin machine cant play thouse games anymore, but common! How many bucks did they earn by removing a couple of USB ports?

And the worst thing is that, It didnt cost that much less! So WHY? The sad thing is that now, Im looking for "second hand" PS3s, the Real PS3s as I call them, cause I dont want the new one, and the Real PS3 isnt manufactured today. The drawback is though that the hardware now is cooler, childsicknesses is cured (many of them), its more silent etc. And they comes with gurantees (witch the older second hand PS3s just have if you're lucky). The thing is that the old PS3s still sell for more money then a new PS3. The Second hand value of a real PS3 is super. They have lost minimal value. You can get back almost what you paid for it, back then when the PS3 cost 600 bucks.

So why dont Sony / Playstation realize that there is a marked for the "complete package". Are they just stupid, egoistic, stubborn, or ignorant? (I guess you could pick any of them, and still be right!).

I feel a bit punked, or at least a bit lett down.

"buy a friggin Xbox360 then, and stop wiening!" you probably say. But I actually dont have the money to buy even "One" next gen consol and a HD-TV (Still uses my old CRT 4:3 27" TV). And as my PS2 is getting old, and will probably die in a couple of years, Id want to be able to play thouse games in the future. So I was planing for a PS3 (all in one) when it was released.

But that looks distant today, cause the old Real PS3, still is more expensive then the new downgraded PS3s!

I had dreams, of a PS3, and completing it with a PSP (Xbox doesnt yeat have a handheld gamemachine) and everything would be "JOY". But I got punked.

So, well. Maybe I should get a Xbox360 instead?!

Damn you Sony!

Light-guns! Cool but Sad.

I dont know why I like light-guns. There hav'nt been any hype around these - interesting and potencually fun - devices since the NES-times, and thats ... a long long time ago (in a far way galaxy ... or so it seems).

I think that my love can come from some nostalgic almost forgotten experience I hade back then (in the stone-age of computer games) when I first saw an Light-gun Arcade (dont remember the name of the game ... but it some sidescrolling, military djungel action shooter), and the fact that I hade alot of fun playing Duck Hunt (even though its not a particulary good game i todays standards even).

It could also be that it sounds almost like one of my other favorite weapons ... the Lightsaber :) or the fact that I always loved pistol action (in games and movies ... like "Flashback", "Devil May Cry" - series, Chow Yun Fats "Killer", The Matrix and in particular the most incredible gun-kata in "Equalibrium" ect).

So it was only a matter of money before I bought myself a Light-gun for my PS2. Cause I got one since some years ago. I bought it without thinking of what games there is for the gun ... my mistake I must admit.

If you look at the games for this device, on the PS2, there are not many. How many I dont know, but its only a handfull. And none of them are ... blockbusters! In my experience they're at best ... fair. But I havnt played the most famous of the games yeat, like Virtua Cop or Time Crisis. Mostly cause they are rare here in sweden, and if you find them, they're rather expencive, and I dont dare try to buy another game that will dissapoint me ...

I Hope there someday will be a revival of the Gun-game era, and that some company realy put some effort in doing something extremly well coded, nice looking, engaging and innovative - over the top unforgettable experience - lightgun game. But thats probably just me!? Is there anyone else that also wish for a "GOOD" pistol game?!

Anyhow! In my Review project (trying to review all games i own or like) I just came to my two only gun-games. So here is two brand new (short) reviews I wrot, regarding Lightgun-games. They're not the best reviews I have written ... but here they are anyway.
Enjoy ... (or something).

Endgame (PS2)
Ninja Assault (PS2)

A brand new Blog!

I think i'ts time for a new blog.

Been a while since I last put one on my spot, but I dont realy know what to blog about. I've just bought me one bad ass Force Feedback wheel for the PS2. The top of the notch wheel made for Gran Turismo 4. Sadly enough, I dont own GT4 yeat ... so its going to bee my next game I buy. But ... there are many other games also thats out right now ... so I dont know what to do.

I started to look around for a cheap version of the GT4 (the least expencive site), but I shouldnt have done that, cause I stumbled over alot new games thats up for release here in sweden. Like Valkyrie Profile 2, or Final Fantasy XII, Xenosaga III, God Hand, God of War 2 and many more.

This will be realy hard. I wish that Sony suddenly said that they are going to drop the price on all games with 50% or more, should suit me realy good :) But I dont think they will. But ... no matter what, I realy think new PS2 games are a bit to exspensive, and in mather fact, I think all games cost to much. Its impossible to buy one game a week (which I have to do, if I'm going to get to buy all tha games in my wichlist ... and it will anyhow take 6 years to buy them all ... LOL ... I'm sick!)

Well ...

I've been planing stuff around my own game. I still need to get to know some programmers or scripters, and also a sound/music artist and someone with an experience with making games... mostly Online RPG ... ( an MMORPG )


I think this is enough right now. I will complete this later ...

... end of line!

Do anyone read these Blogs?

Just wonder if these blogs are pointless or what?

It seems like they are just prayers to a new kind of a god. in other words pointless. Cause ... do anyone read these?

But anyhow, I'm addicted. I need to do a blog what ever. But is it stupid? well its somewhat stupid! but ... if anyone read these blogs, then its possible that I could reach some people with some ... ideas! or something that make people think.

But as I see it ... its just a blog. that will be forgotten in some few days from now. even by me!

stupid blogs ...

THE CONSOLE WAR!!! let my games be multi-platform!

I'm a PS2 lover, I must admit. Mostly cause I more or less have something towards MS. But, in fact, I dont have anything against variuos platform formats. In generall I love multi-platform games, cause it lets me (as a consumer) to shoose what to by! All these "Only on this Console" games makes me puke, even more if its not on playstation ... :)

The thing is. I dont have the money to by 5 Consoles ... (5?! yeah ... Xbox360, PS3, Wii, DS and PSP!) plus bying hardware upgrades for my PC ... so that it can play some of the few PC games I do get my hands on. Its just to much. And just think of how agro boosting it is to change all the cordes (or cables) back at the TV all the time when I want to change among the console ... I hypotetically whould have bought. (if i dont spend MORE money on an expencive TV that have place for all my machines ... or if I got me an AV switch ... ).

To keep up in the console game-war, you have to by all the consoles. There are some realy good games spread among all of them. And the cost for that ... with its extra equipments, and gamepads, memorycards ect ... together sums up to a somewhat good PC, with gamepad and stearing wheel. So why dont I just spend all thouse money on a PC. Well cause all the great games on the consoles dont get ported to PC!
(and vice verse).

I just have the money for ... well actually! I dont "even" got the money to by ONE console. But if I get one, I'll need to get a PS3. Why?  ... "You damn PS / Sony lover!" you wonder ... well! It's like this, the fact is that almost all my games are PS2 or PSone games (some are PC). And my PS2 console is getting old, and nead to be replaced. So if i get a new, I want it to be a next-gen ... and I want to play thouse older games that I havnt completed yeat. (backward compatibilitie ?!).

BUT! ... these days ... many PSone and PS2 exclusive series have gone Xbox, some Xbos exclusive games are ... still Xbox exclusive ... and some interesting Nintendo games ... has allways been nintendo ... so I will need a Xbox and a Wii for it. DAMN! Why cant all games be multi platform :)

Well it makes somewhat sence if its a Wii game that uses the Wii Controller. Will be hard or impossible to port to another format ... but anyway ... the Wii isnt that expensive, so if i realy wanted to strain my arm waveing before my TV ... then I will go and by a Wii. ...

But on the other hand. Just Because I just had the money to actually by "one" console, it has helped me to restrict myself, by cutting down the list of games I want to have ... cause I dont have a Xbox... or anything else (except for a PS2 and PC).

But it whould have been nice, if all games where multiplatform. Then you could consentrate on wich console you thought was the coolest, cheepest, most nice looking ... or just in the right fav brand. And then let you spend some money on the actuall games instead, and your interrest could dictate what games you actually by!

ANYONE WHO AGREE? ... or Disagree for that matter!?
well thats ... it for now.
(sorry for my spelling)

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