I Got "Moderated" (as its so smooth is called in these modern days) for the first time ever, in yesterday. Cool. 8)
But on the other side, this just shows how bleeping-up US/UK internet censorship has become. Dont know what "word" its was that got stuck in the "moderation" filter. Probably one common word like the "S"-word. But whatever, it doesnt matter, it can be whatever word.
Internet sites and some MMO games, seems so "sensitive" for bad language that its not uncommon to be missunderstod or incomprehensive when sending away a chewed out mess on the forums or chat-channels, just because its been "censored". when using rather common slang.
Its rather funny actually. I'm from a country where I, and my fellow countrymen (and women), are so used whith freespeach, nothing is really considered bad language, if its not a childrensbook, that I (cant talk for all in my country) dont even think about self-censoring my thoughts and texts. This is one of thouse funny and weird contradictions that seem so typicall for US. Its OK to shot the head of a cop in a game, or se it in a movie, rape, torture etc, but "dont you dare wright that F word, or else ... ! and for christs sake dont show of any nudity!!!" ...
The fun connection to this, is that the comment that was "moderated" and deleted ... was a comment I wrote under the Flavors of Fear video. Its obviously OK to see heads and limbs decapitated, body splatter to pools of goo, weird looking sexistic zombie-nurses (silent hill), right out murder, etc, but "oops" some-one said the "S" word. "Moderate him"?!
Maybe thouse site-rules should be listed as one of the flavors?! ;)
So its been a reminder to me. That I Live in a true freespeach country, where you're actually free to tell your mind to others ... and that internet have become a chat-blog for juveniles, and their "overprotected moms".
Take care folks. :)
(and we'll see if this also going to be "moderated" ... nice word for "censored" ... for all you that lack experience!)