Fallout 3 looks awesome from the little I've seen. I hope it comes to PS3 cause my poor computer can't handle it.
Assassin's creed hits november, ****ing sweet.
Sony is pissing me off. It is 6:00 pm on the west coast and the resistance update still isn't out.
the next sim city isn't being made by Maxis? does that mean they are workin double time on spore? Please say yes.
Oblivion is an amazing game.
Why the hell does Rainbow six keep getting delayed?!
I hate the wind in Las Vegas, it knocked over my damn tree.
A chainsaw is a truly awesome machine. (discovery directly related to the previous thought ^)
LeBron is going to get owned tonight.
I can't wait for TRANSFORMERS!
Ocean's Thirteen should be good.
I love Jack in the Box.