jaifrecap / Member

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Switched to PC

A long time ago (in a galaxy far far away;)) I was a Nintendo fan kid. When I was a kid the SNES and the N64 were my life. Then I became a Playstation fanboy I admit, but still remained a Nintendo customer with the Gamecube. Since the PSOne, PS2 and now to the PS3 I never needed any other consoles and became a total Sony fanboy, and I was ok with that.

Well, where does the PC come in you might ask...

I've never really been a PC gamer. Well, thats a lie. But the PC has never been the focus of my attention. Never really took it seriously and only played a few games that I knew I couldn't play somewhere else.

A while back, the end of last year to be more precise. I was ok with relying on my PS3 for all my gaming. This year I grew to dislike it. The first thing I noticed was I had become a trophy addict. I wasn't buying games just for the achievements, but they influenced my decisions and I then played mediocre games simply to collect these meaningless awards. The next thing that bothered me is the price of video games where I live. PS3 games cost 80 dollars brand new and the price doesn't go down more than 20 bucks after its released. Stores don't sell used copies and DON'T RENT games in my country. The best option is to buy a game used at the local ebay website (itsnot ebay here). But games still cost around 50 when used.

Why didn't I switch to PC sooner? Well, becuase there are NO stores or websiteslike amazon that sell PC games here. Why? Because it's not exactly illegal to download pirate PC games. Even better you might think! Why aren't you playing everyPC game you can get your hands on? When I was younger I used todo that. I downloaded or bought the pirate copies of games for a fraction of the price at the local mall, yes on the mall! But because the game was free I didn't play it for very long before going to the next one, and the next one. Never really apreciating the act of "PC gaming". So I simply stopped doing it little by little and switched to consoles completely.

During that period of free PC games, I did buy 1 original PC game which ironically was the first game I ever bought (with my own money, not asking my parents). Guess what that game was... its one of the most famous PC games ever! (from 10 years ago)Also what were you guys first game you ever bought?

Recently an online friend of mine recommended I joined Steam so we could play some games together. I was seriously blown away by the deals and prices the site offers. It also made me realize that the PC can be like any other console so I just bought from the US amazon store The Witcher 2 and Fable 3 which should be arriving tomorrow :D

I think I'm sticking to PC for now and just use my PS3 for the exclusives like Uncharted 3 and so on.

I would also really appreciate it if you guys add me onSteam :) Don't really have many friends there. Anyways, thanks for reading!!!