I'm only 4 hours in, and really doubting if i want to continue this game. The way W3 handles gameplay is not very appealing at first glance..I have picked up about 15 quests so far and the game tells me which i should take based on the level required. This takes away any adventure for me, as i will just fast travel through the world solely based on what number it is. Gear you pick up is levelcapped as well, and this is even more annoying. This could have redeemed the questcapping if i thought i'd picked up good enough gear to take on a difficult mission. But no, this identical looking axe is too difficult for geralt to handle right now.. Another curious thing i have noticed is when you talk to people about your quest, they give you a very detailed description on where to go in the dialogue. Why is it then dotted on the map afterwards? This again takes away from the sense of adventure.
That leads us to combat..This is the part i didn't like in W2, and it's still frustrating to me. It's not possible to lock-on to enemies until they are just a couple of meters away. Why? In addition the best way to win in combat is to just mash the x-button. An example: the first time you play as Ciri you encounter about 6 wolfs right away. I tried to block, dodge and time my attacks, and died twice. After two 70 sec reloads(!!!) i decided to just hammer the fast attack button. Instant success, as it has been in many fights since..
Up until now, this game has been nothing more than follow the dots to the next cut-scene, and mash a button once in a while. Can anyone give me a good reason to continue playing, or why it's going to be the game fo the year.
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