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Backwards compatibility

Backwards compatibility HAS to be a must for future consoles. Not only does it make the console worth more but it creates a bigger and better fanbase. For instance, I baught a PS1 over the 64 back in the day (for many reasons, an easy choice) so i developed a decent collection of games, and ones that were good enough to come back too. Being that I am the type of a person that can not sell, trade in or even lend out a game, backwards compatibility played a major part in my next console decesion. When the PS2 and xbox war started, the fact that i could carry over my ps1 games to the ps2 was huge, and also better at cleaning up my entertainment center. So when i got the ps2 over the box, another really easy and good choice (ps2 most sold console EVER) I had built up a strong brand loyality with Sony and it was getting even stronger as time and games went one. The backwards compatibility is probably a huge factor in them creating a loyal customer and to succeed in the future they will need to continue this. I am so glad that I have a ps3 that does have the B-C and i feel sorry for those that dont have one of those ones. It makes the console soooo much better. I very often go back to my ps1 and ps2 games for some extra fun and I dont have to have 3 consoles on one tv. I have triple the collection for my ps3 than those that dont have B-C cuz I can play my old cla$$ics. I understand why they made consoles that dont have it, cuz its cheaper to make and not everybody uses it. In fact most people get rid of old games, sell them and only want to play new ones. But not the real gamers and the real fans. i mean they must understand the importance since they are releasing ps1 cla$$ics in the PSN store for download. But I own all the ones i want to play so luckily i can just pop one in. Unforutnaly for the ones that dont have B-C they have to buy the DLC that they might own, or break out the old gray box. So when its time for Ps4 (no rush) it must at least be an option for the buyer. Just imagine of the collection one might have by the time Playstation 6 comes out and how cool it would be to play six generations of games on one single console. One system that is able to play both the newest greats while also being able to go back and play the old school cla$$ics. Put ure old nes, snes and sega roms on there and u are set to play every single great game ever made. So if it is this easy for me to see how important Backwards compatibility is then hopefully the hardware designers see this too. Hopefully...

Resident Evil 2 Remake for Ps3 and 360

Ok, it is obvious that the Resident Evil Franchise has moved into a different direction with its games. No more fixed camera angles, Less surviving and more action, and the zombie virus has progressed into a much more complex virus. This being said we know that Capcom is not going back to its old ways and will continue in the new direction they created. Lets all admit the zombie isnt coming back, neither are the fixed camera angles and complex puzzles. The franchised has evolved into something new and I still love every single additon to the Franchise, but this is what we need. We need a remake of RE2 for the Ps3 and 360. Resident evil 1 got it for the gamecube and it was amzing, and improved on already perfect game. Imagine RE 2 on a new generation console with all the old feel and new look. The old camera, puzzles, music, scare and the zombie. With pre-rendered backgrounds on a HD capable console. It would look unreal and probably be the best Resident Evil game ever. Capcom can continue with its RE6,7,8 etc..and stay with the new generation, but if we got a RE2 remake on PS3 and 360 like RE1 got on the Gamecube then im sure all are lives would be complete...

I am not knocking the new RE games, I love them too..Just saying RE2 deserves a good remake like RE1 got.

the survival horror games are now action games and thats fine, but remaking the old ones on a new system is not cheating. In my book if they did a RE2 remake on a next generation, HD console, and put as much time and care as they did with the Gamecube remake of RE1, then they would have one of the best games ever. (though they already do, haha)

Why EA sports games have lost my interest.

I use to love sports games, but I couldnt tell you the last time I really enjoyed one..I blame it on the repetitiveness of EA sports. Live, and madden are the biggest victim of this. To me madden and live were better a long time ago and are basically the same game every year with a couple new features and updated rosters. I like the days of tecmo football, nba jam, and nfl blitz better then these modern days of this overpriced roster updates they call new games. Yea I suck at playing the new madden and live games buts its only because I havnt baught one since ps2 and havnt enjoyed one since either ps1 or sega. In all honesty I think i liked the gameday games that use to be around, more than the ever so popular madden. I dont care if i suck at them because they suck to me. All of my friends play countless games and endless dynasties and I just dont see how, but what really disgusts me is this. There are actually people out there that call themselves gamers that only play madden, live or fifa, all they do is buy there pro or college game and play it until next years version come out. This is not gaming and this should not be allowed. Yea the graphics are better but duhh, but to me the gameplay isnt any better. Maybe its because they have become to much of sport simulations and not sport arcades or sport games, this is also probably why i like the older ones better, and miss games like nba jam and blitz. The games are not games anymore they are simulations with little updates, same old camera angles and just no substance. I would love to start playing these games again because I am a huge sports fan. I have played organized football my whole life and watch the nfl like Im babbysitting a kid, but I just cant get into these sports games and will not until they make some changes, and some good ones at that. I would love to work on the madden or live team, because once you made one game, you made the whole consoles life of games. Lets just change the cover, update the roseters and put one or two new features in it like a hit stick (the hit stick might have been the only good new feature) and then throw this years date on the end and we got a new game. They are using the same engine as they have for like 10 years, come on now. If you play a game like COD, Resident Evil, Metal gear, Tekken or any good franchise, and then throw in that same game from ten years ago, you will see how game should progress. Hell even look at mario, or sonic and look at how much they change. Now go ahead and pop in madden 07 instead of 10, not the big of a difference is it. Yea that graphics get a little better by the year, but not much and for me updated rosters is not enough for me to buy a new game for 60 bucks every year. Especially when there are so many other great games and franchises that are out there. EA needs to put the effort into there sports games that they put into there other games and they will be so much better. These EA sports fan boys also need to stop pretending to be gamers because they are from it. And more power to the companies like 2k and others who are making better sports games then these so called EA sports leaders. They might make the better numbers, but they make the worse product, so keep up ure job 2k and other companies.. and as for EA, get on your dam job

PS3 making huge progress like i said back in 06

Febuary of 2008, ive been talking bout the power of the ps3 for about 2 years now.. I was one of those people anticipating the release of the ps3 and keeping up with its day to day news. the day before it it was released i was standing in front of the best buy with my headphones on in the freezing rain waiting for the doors to open. it was pitch black and people who camped out there were still sleeping. i was praying that i could get one as i was interviewed by the local fox and nbc networks who thought the idea of waiting for a video game console was idiotic. when the doors were finanly opened i was seven people away from getting one. I was so pissed, but still just waited till the second shipment came. When it did i was there, and 2 months later from then, i was hooking my ps3 up. It was the best video game purchase ive made since the nintendo entertainment system, action pack( actually the nes was a christmas gift when i was a lil youngen) Since day one people have been talking down on the ps3, from the think they know it alls at gamestop, to the people hanging off of xbox's balls. Yea the 360 had a better library but it was also older. Who needs blu ray, we got HDdvd's, who need all that memory, if wanted motion sensors id get a wii,..any reason to hat the ps3 people hated...Well these days there are less and less of these people, and i continue to just laugh and say in the back of my mind i told you so..I even did a report in school on the technology of the ps3 and how it was ahead of its time.. Well the other day the big announcement was made. HDdvds lost the battle format war.. there not making the players any more and alot of the movie companys are droping HDdvd as well. Blu rays are the way of the future and the ps3 is the cheapest way to get one. It woulda have been like the NES having a built on VCR. This is gona help sony win the console war for this generation. yea it was a slow start and they are not victorious yet but i promise they will one day be the champs.. So until then i will just keep watching all these people jump the bandwagon on the ps3 and say that they never said those things about sony when they really did. Blu rays victory over HDdvds is a huge step, and people dont realize it, but with local tv networks having to switch their analog broadcast to high definition a year from now, (feb 2009) everyone is gona be buying HD tvs,( if they dont already have one. ) Then what comes next is the fall off of dvds and the rise of blu rays. DVDs will become the new VHS... and Blu rays will become the next DVD. ( VCRs are the next 8track, haha) So in a nut shell this is gona send ps3 sales up through the roof just like the ps2 sales... SO WHAT IM SAYING IS..............I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD U SO...PS3 will prevail. AND BLU-RAYS are the future....I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD YOU SO and now its official....so come on bandwagons jump on the ps3 cuz theres room for everybody......

F all them PS3 Haters

Im getting sick and tired of these Playstation 3 haters. 90% of them have not even played or seen a ps3 in action. How can you hate on something u know nothing about. I personally have played every system out there on the market and the ps3 is most powerfull piece of console machinary we have seen to date. No it doesnt have as many good games as 360 right now and thats because itshasnt been out for half as long. The 360 elite came out to challenge the ps3 but still does not provide a full hd experience. yea it can perform in hd, but it uses dvds wich hold a couple gigs (like 4 or somethin)of memory and blu rays hold like 60 so theres much more power just in the discs let alone the system. Im not gona get into spec comparisons cuz anyone can check those to see wich is better on paper, but also the growing popularity in blu rays will one day make most of these ps3 haters shut up. Right now blu rays are out selling hd-dvds 2 to 1 and that number will continue to grow. The people that hate on the ps3 are obviously not true gamers cuz any one that respects the world of gaming will admit the ps3 is an amazing console. I dont know anyone whos had any bugs with their ps3 but i know about 4 people who have had to return their 360s, so there goes that argument. And what most complain is the price. For what ure getting the ps3 is a great price, not to mention the ps2 was ungoddly expensivewhen it came out compared to what it is now and the ps2 is the biggest sellingsingle console unit in the history of gaming. (look it up if u dont beleive me) pluwblu ray players alone cost more then the ps3 so right there its worth buying. Sony also doesnt dick its buyers like bill gates does. with all the extra stuff u gota buy including the online service. As for the Wii i have no beef with, its fun as hell to play. but its not as serious as the ps3. and plus who wants to spend all of their time swinging their arms around when i spend countless hours playing games. Thats why ps3 has got the sixaxis controller. The Wii is a good secondary system, the 360 is over rated and the ps3 is number 1....Sorry but its true and time will tell......