Febuary of 2008, ive been talking bout the power of the ps3 for about 2 years now.. I was one of those people anticipating the release of the ps3 and keeping up with its day to day news. the day before it it was released i was standing in front of the best buy with my headphones on in the freezing rain waiting for the doors to open. it was pitch black and people who camped out there were still sleeping. i was praying that i could get one as i was interviewed by the local fox and nbc networks who thought the idea of waiting for a video game console was idiotic. when the doors were finanly opened i was seven people away from getting one. I was so pissed, but still just waited till the second shipment came. When it did i was there, and 2 months later from then, i was hooking my ps3 up. It was the best video game purchase ive made since the nintendo entertainment system, action pack( actually the nes was a christmas gift when i was a lil youngen) Since day one people have been talking down on the ps3, from the think they know it alls at gamestop, to the people hanging off of xbox's balls. Yea the 360 had a better library but it was also older. Who needs blu ray, we got HDdvd's, who need all that memory, if wanted motion sensors id get a wii,..any reason to hat the ps3 people hated...Well these days there are less and less of these people, and i continue to just laugh and say in the back of my mind i told you so..I even did a report in school on the technology of the ps3 and how it was ahead of its time.. Well the other day the big announcement was made. HDdvds lost the battle format war.. there not making the players any more and alot of the movie companys are droping HDdvd as well. Blu rays are the way of the future and the ps3 is the cheapest way to get one. It woulda have been like the NES having a built on VCR. This is gona help sony win the console war for this generation. yea it was a slow start and they are not victorious yet but i promise they will one day be the champs.. So until then i will just keep watching all these people jump the bandwagon on the ps3 and say that they never said those things about sony when they really did. Blu rays victory over HDdvds is a huge step, and people dont realize it, but with local tv networks having to switch their analog broadcast to high definition a year from now, (feb 2009) everyone is gona be buying HD tvs,( if they dont already have one. ) Then what comes next is the fall off of dvds and the rise of blu rays. DVDs will become the new VHS... and Blu rays will become the next DVD. ( VCRs are the next 8track, haha) So in a nut shell this is gona send ps3 sales up through the roof just like the ps2 sales... SO WHAT IM SAYING IS..............I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD U SO...PS3 will prevail. AND BLU-RAYS are the future....I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD YOU SO and now its official....so come on bandwagons jump on the ps3 cuz theres room for everybody......
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