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gears 3 thoughts.

ok i now it has not been announsed but i have been taking about gears 3 so these are some of the many ideas we have had.

ok we have thought that it would be really cool to play as both the loust and the cog you ask how would you do that well this is what we have come up with. the first lever you could start off with either the cog or loust and after you beat the lever you flash back to the other. so thats what we have been taking about well some of it we are still taking about put some input if you like.

next we have been taking about upgrading guns and such we have not found a good way to use it so we said no about it,what do you think is there any ways this could work give some input.

next we have been taking about making the story more scary i thought that would be alsome puting some scary new bad guys aka loust would be alsome what do you think give some input.

ps. this is all about you and your input.