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jakster_91 Blog

Highly anticipated and under the radar.

8 Days. Yes, I know, I too was dissapointed. I remember watching the very first trailer for this game at the debut PS3 E3 conferance. It was going to be an amazing launch title...:(

Even though it looked great, it was cancelled. just like that. No news about it for ages and poof. No lead up, nada. There are alot of games that could fit into that category now.

Alan Wake; L.A. Noire. Seriously, L.A. Noire loked amazing in that trailer, plus its being made by Rockstar, what more could you want, the Pros of open ended sandbox games dedicating themselves to a classy, investigative, noire film inspired game in the 50s. GREATNESS! Plus the 50s era has gained in popularity thanks to games like fallout3 and bioshock, kind of. Anyway, apart from that one trailer they released ages ago, i havnt heard much about it and i just hope it doesnt vanish into thin air. Alan Wake, looked compelling and had an interesting vision but WTH happened to it, it completly fell off the radar.

Heavy Rain followed a similar path, we had a taste with those freakishly realistic trailers that went deep into uncanny valley and then nothing for at least a year or so, only a couple months ago has more material on it resurfaced.

Another thing that has me ticked is Oddworld. I LOVED theyr games as a kid. Abe's odsey exodus, everything. Munch's Odysey was good too and same goes for stranger. Then they said they were going to realease an RTS type game. Then their site closed and left nothing more than a HUGE hint torwards a movie........Ive yet to hear ANYTHING new about them, I would hate for it to be true, but i wouldnt be surprised if they completely shut down.

Oh well. Seeing as theres not a great deal we can do about it, I guess well just have to wait and see. Anyway, its not like there arnt any great games with loads of publicity, i mean just look at Assassins Creed. Fastest selling IP in i dont know how many years.

Cheers to all and you too B! Anybody heard of the techno artist Dead Mau5? pretty good stuff. Catch ya later....(who knows when hatll be, my last blog post was in 2006 so yeah).

which is better xbox 360 or ps3

Now we all know that the xbox 360 is coming out way before  the ps3 but before you rush to buy the first new console to come out here are some hints to help you choose.

If you want tons of power for everything (graphics, sound etc.) ps3 is the way to go. Thats right ps3 will have 2 TERAFLOPS THATS HUGE! If you have an HD TV your really gonna love it! Super computer's power a few years ago was measuered in teraflops. Also ps3 is going to have great seaquels like gran turismo4. But xbox 360 is going to have much more action and shooting games! The xbox 360 will come with 1 teraflop but the great thing about it are its online features. You can do almost anything.