That means it will more bugs than an anthill - and it will be completely unsafe to buy for at least a year - so they can continuously patch it. BUT many things will NEVER be fixed before they go on to their next project. For instance Multi Player in both Shogun 2 and Rome 2 still doesn't work. I've NEVER been able to complete even one game in either.
YET for some strange reason Gamespot will again rate them a 9 out of 10. And despite the fact that they make MILLIONS off these games, nobody ever sues them.
I'm glad many people seem to be playing and having a good experience. But myself - and many people in the forums on Steam - are not. Maybe the game out of the box works fine??? I've bought many games on Steam that work seamlessly, but right now I can't play this for even 10 minutes before it freezes or crashes. I figure they will get it fixed ... eventually. Should have bought it elsewhere I guess, but I don't want to put out another 39 dollars.
The forums on Steam are full of people having problems. Most games I get off Steam I have zero issues. Maybe the games out of the box work fine??? However, right now, I can't play for even 15 minutes before it freezes or crashes. I really want to play this thing ... but right now it won't go.
Well .. they didn't get the gameplay right last time - namely the frenetic fight sim animations failed - for a lot of people. Otherwise Dragon Age would have been a good game. Doesn't matter though cuz Gamespot and PC Gamer still give everything by Bioware, Creative Assembly, or Blizzard make an automatic 9 - even if the game has major flaws. At least we might anticipate there won't be any 'Key Mashing'. Here's hoping.
jalen_222's comments