[QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"][QUOTE="ad1x2"] Most poor people already qualify for Medicaid, so it's not like those people aren't going to get any medical care if this law is repealed. LJS9502_basic
Medicaid is very underfunded and full of holes, only a certain number of people can be on it at one time and it doesn't cover all of them. It would have made more sense just to have expanded the program to everyone, or set up a health care system like social security.
Our health care system is a disaster, and I find it hypocritical in my view that we don't take better care of people. As a believer of God I am supposed to help poor people, and our health care system doesn't do that one bit.
Also I am a pro lifer (not debating abortion, don't feel like arguing that now) and we have the HIGHEST infant mortality rate of any western nation. And that's not right, I want to help babies and children, both before AND after they are born.
Read your first sentence over and then think about more government involvement in medical care. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results." People are insane.
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