jam_101's forum posts
Bring it into the hsop before October. Seeing the 3 red lights doesn't always mean death, though. I get 1-3 lights every once and a while when I turn my system on. I just turn it off and then back on, and presto. Never crashed once, either.Staryoshi87
Freezing occured quite often before the 3 red lights came up so i suspect it does meen a hardware failiure
Don't I have a 1 year warranty with the shop as standard,as it's UK law?
Ok so i've just got the 3 red lights appear on the console meaning a hardware failiure, I bought the console in October last year so who is my one year waranty with; the shop (GAME UK STORES) or Microsoft.
In other words should I take the console back to the shop for a replacement or send it off to Microsoft for repair?
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