Those aren't even my favorite games.. i like resistance fall of man the most and i basically bought a ps3 for it but it just so happened that i have 9 exclusives now that i love.
jamessayers' forum posts
Congrats on the bench man... Im 5 10 and i can max out at 225... it's decent but im trying to work my way up to 300 by college which is 2 years from now.. tough goal but i workout everyday.
1. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
2. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves
4. Killzone 2
5. Left 4 Dead 2
6. Assassins Creed 2
7. can't
8. think
9. of
10. anymore
Not all sequels but...
Resistance 3, Gears of War 3, Killzone 3, MGS5, inFAMOUS 2, Socom 4, and some new type of Motorstorm..
You might still want to rent a JRPG (once a good one comes out) just in case. They are pretty different from western RPGs. I know a lot of people that absolutely love ones and hate the others.[QUOTE="jamessayers"]
I don't regret playing any game even if i don't like it.. if i don't like it i will sell it and then i won't waste my money on the sequel and also if i don't like a lot of games in one genre then maybe i won't buy games on that genre... Like RPG's for example i played oblivion didn't like it and i played fallout 3 and didn't like it and now im not going to buy another RPG and that knowledge about my tastes will save me a lot of money for years to come... so i don't regret playing any game.
Alright, thanks man, ill look into it!
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