Well, my friend is the valedictorian for her class. So, she posted her speech on LiveJournal for people to critique... only she didn't want students at the school to read it because she wanted us to hear it for the first time that night.
Well sorry, but I'm not in that grade, and I'm curious. So I read it. And it's CRAP. It's got so many typos and it's so rambling... will anyone really care about the difference between a similie and a metaphor???? NO!!!
I just can't correct anything because I wasn't supposed to read it anyway. So now I'm just waiting for her to make a fool out of herself come graduation day. I mean, come on... "The place I learn?" how about the place *where* i learn, or maybe the place i learn *at*. Sheesh. I so hope I don't have to write a speech next year, but if I do, at least now I know it'll be better than that.