Shame on me for having a sucky blog! I didn't really want to update until something interesting happened, but I figure, if Brian May can update his twice in one day just to post pictures of flowers in his garden, I can totally rant about random stuff. Like reading Brian May's blog. Yes, favorite band obsessions run deep with me... now if only I could find a site that had Queen comics like the hilarious U2 ones, Achtoon Baby. I f.ucking love those. :P
So, nothing interesting's been going on. Wednesday is the dreaded project... I think I have it all together, but it might be over the time limit... (groans) I don't wanna do it!!!
FINALLY got new iPod earbuds... sort of. Mine broke, and I was dealing with only like, half the sound power and only in one ear forever. So I bought a cheapie pair at the mall because if I just left the shopping to my dad, he'd compare quality and prices and reviews and technology on eBay for hours. lol. Anyway, the new ones are pretty sucky. They have a tinny sound, and sometimes they give me a headache. But I'll deal with them until I can get better ones...
Found a bunch of really, really old records in my g-ma's house. Like, they're in books. Have you ever seen books of vinyl records? Didn't think so. My record player's broken... waaah. See, I love the movie Almost Famous, and when I saw the motherload of albums Anita gave Will at the beggining, I ran to my parents' collection to see if they had any of those. There's only one, Joni Mitchell's Blue. But I still want to listen to it. :)