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The Camping Weekend!

If you're a girl scout, there's gonna be at least ten times a year where you will have to sacrific a perfectly good Saturday of sleep to get up and do something girl scoutly. This week: car wash. And get this one- they double booked. What are the chances of having two fund raisers on the same day in the same parking lot??? Just my luck. And guess who we were up against? A Cancer charity. Girl Scouts vs. Cancer... who do you think's gonna win?? Ugh.

Anyway, I had to spend Friday night at camp in order to be at the car wash... where I sucessfully showed the worst tent-dismantling since we bought the thing. It was so bad that I just gave up on folding it and shoved it somewhere... lol. And then I got a tick on me, which proceeded my mom to believe I needed a full body search to make sure there weren't any more... ok, I'll stop there to not gross out anyone anymore than I already have!

Think since I'm home and on the internet, I'm done with camping? Wrong! I will be spending all tommorow at another girl scout camp, moderating a fair or something like that... yeah, I never have any idea what I'm doing until I show up. I just know that I will be forced to do this for 2 more years, because in my family, when you're a scout, you're a scout 'til the end. We could write our own musical. Seriously.

But, life is good for these few sweet hours. I'm watching a Vh1 Classic hour on Vh1... I wish I could just have the Vh1 Classic channel. I love all the old music. I am 100% convinced I was born in the wrong generation. Instead of being a hippie and getting to go to Woodstock, or be around in the glory days of classic rock in the 70s, or at least get to see Live Aid in 1985, I get stuck in this dumbass generation that rules if a song doesn't have the word "booty" in it and isn't utterly repulsive, it's not music. And those few songs that survive are completely underappreciated and butchered. Like at my brother's school concert on Thursday... the chorus director, Mrs. Whitcomb, thought it would be a brilliant idea to rip off the greatest band of all time by writing "Wikemian Rhapsody." Before it even started, I was like, "Oh my god, shut up." And then they do the song, and the whole plot is about a kid in her chorus who chews bubble gum and then she won't let him go on the field trip. Sheesh. But surprisingly, Queen is so brilliant that even off-key children hitting high b-flats, an inferior karaoke music track, and ridiculous kiddie lyrics can sound awesome.

That's the power of great music incarnate, right there.