In case the title wasn't already a dead give-away, I'm stressed. Why, you ask? For starters: I think I might've somewhat wrecked my computer. I deleted this spyware thing, and then it said that files Windows needs to run properly have been deleted. I knew my dad would KILL me if he found out I did something wrong, so rather than get him to fix it, I decided to ignore the warning. So far, everything's been working okay, but you never know... I'm scared. *whimpers*
Second reason: Chem quiz tomorrow. My teacher hasn't even gone over this stuff! Quizzes count for 25% of the grade, and I don't know the material! I try to study it, and I just get confused. I've already sunk in my best class, I can't afford failure in just about the only thing I've got left to hang on to! God help me...
Third reason: Graduation. The seniors graduate in a week. It lets me think about how stressful the next two years of high school will be, and gives me time to kick myself for already not being eligible for all of those awards I'm hearing about. Whatever happened to that straight-A student I wanted to be? It's still what I want. I haven't changed any. I have no social life. I should be a perfect candidate for good grades. I'm one of those nerdy people who's so concerned with school and my future that I can cry if I get a B on something, but won't shed a tear at a funeral. (I laughed at my grandmother's, btw. Sorry grandma.) It's just this stupid frucking internet that's the problem! I'm on it right now, bittching about how I can't get off of it. Sad? Yep.
Fourth reason: No friends. Like I said, I have no social life. I've had one friend for the last two years- and although she can get kind of annoying sometimes, she's all I've got to keep from being a total loser. (Selfish? Petty? Egotisical? Yep. Sorry. It's the way I am.) And now she's moving. So, I'll have to be the friendless nobody. And next year, the classes all change. I could get stuck with all 4 of the sexy seven... I swear there's only 4 of them... no idea why the fruck they call themseleves the sexy seven... b.itches. Anywhoo, or I could get stuck with my arch nemesis in all my classes. Junior year's just gonna SUCK, I know it.
Fifth reason: The end is near... isn't it? ISN'T IT? Every time I think to myself, "okay, after this, it'll all be easy. The school year will basically be over." Something else comes along that's hard. A week ago, I had a killer project to tackle. Now, I've got this frucking Chem quiz. And where there's a quiz, there's a test. *whimpers* And then of course finals... *bursts into tears*