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Vin Diesel? Van Diesel?? Van On Diesel???

What do you see when you look at this picture?  Some stupid car, right? Not according to my mom!! It's that guy from that movie, XXX. I can't even remember how we got on the subject, but somewhere along the line, I said "Vin Diesel," and she says, "Isn't it Van Diesel?" I crack up. "That's a car!" My brother tops it off with, "What's his middle name, 'On'?" I find that hilarious, a great redemption for a day where I go all the way down to the Boardwalk only to discover that Kohr Bros no longer sells Peanut Butter Custard. The sin!!! I had to settle for Vanilla, VANILLA! A travesty!!! See, I told you this blog would be boring when I have nothing to write about. :)