Arrgh. Apparently if you have 3 videos removed for copyright infringement, your entire account gets disabled with no access to your videos or favorites or anything, and you won't get any sort of email notice telling you you're banned.
So I had to create a whole new account... the new username, since I couldn't choose my old one, is thenamesPMS... unfortunately I lost most of the videos I'd had up there when my hardrive crashed a few months ago, so I probably won't be posting any more videos... just commenting and re-building my favorites library. (I had 120+ videos in there, b*tches!!!)
Luckily, YouTube is popular enough that most of what I'd previously posted has been posted by someone else, but the world may never again get to see clips of U2 on Conan O'Brien, the Live Aid Heroes montage, the scene from The Goodies that someone died from laughing at, Paul Robeson singing Ol' Man River... sigh. I miss them already.