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BACK TO WORK KOJIMAThis time tomorrow I'll be on a plane, alternately ploughing more time into Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and dozing off on the person next to me on the way to E3 in Los Angeles. E3!

The proceedings kick off on Sunday evening with a big Project Natal bash. The invite from Microsoft says leave your technology at home, meaning no cameras or video, so, I don't know, I'll do you an artistic charcoal rendering of Mr Guy Cocker playing Ricochet. It'll be like you're right there in the room. IN THE ROOM WITH E3.

Then Monday morning is the actual Microsoft conference, followed by EA's, followed by an Activision event, and that's all before the show proper even begins on Tuesday. Exciting times, you guys.

Incidentally, the fact I'm planning on adding further hours to my 30-hour Peace Walker savegame so soon after completing the main campaign and filing my review for the thing is testament to how excellent it is, which is very. I've got Hideo Kojima (right) labouring away in Mother Base's intel lab, for real.