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jaredcsimpson Blog

Crying games

My video game career began on the Atari 2600 when I was three years old, I play games like Moon Patrol, Pac man and Pong and as video games evolved so did my tastes. The first game I ever really loved was The legend of Zelda: A link to the past, I beat that game too many times to share and then went on to play other games I loved such as Teenage mutant ninja turtles: Turtles in time, Super Mario world and Zombies ate my neighbors, each game having different aspects that made them enjoyable, but what makes us like these games ?

For some people it's a challenge, a challenge to beat the game, collect all you could, get your character to level 100 and find all the secrets like in a Final fantasy game. For other people it's a desire to win and be the best like in Pokemon and for others...well its just fun to play with friends like Mario kart and Mario party.

I like video games specifically because of the story lines they offer, but that is not always the case. Mario has a story line but it's never really in depth and captivating like a Zelda game.
Final fantasy games have some of the most beautiful story lines and characters I have ever seen.

When I was fourteen I rented Final fantasy nine for the PlayStation and clocked 52:00 hours into the game on several weekends. Finally I came to the end of the game with a stunning CGI cut scene. The characters stories came to an end and my journey with them closed...and I cried...the end was so touching and breathed it's vapor into my every pore...and it made me break down.

There have been several games since then that have brought me close to tears when it comes to closing scenes. Kingdom hearts II had me wishing it wasn't over. Final fantasy ten had me crying like a little baby who had misplaced his favorite teddy.

Game over the years have become more like stories..or movies which in my mind works well. I don't care what the game looks like as long as it keeps me hooked.

Games give you a character which you mold into your self, the friends you encounter on the journey become your friends and allies and you really feel like this is happening. I'm not crazy, I know what reality I'm in and I know that Yoshi is not my pet and Princess Peach isn't next in line to the throne but it does feel like you've experience something with these friends.

I used to spend hours in my room when I was younger playing these games in the dark with the volume low...I wouldn't be aware of my surroundings because I was in the game.

I know I sound like a lunatic but haven't you escaped somewhere before....maybe you've climbed through the mines of Moria, maybe you've traveled to Hyrule lake to do some fishing and perhaps you've even been to Targ wood....if you visit Targ wood again...I'll be waiting in the back of the pub for new postings.

Smoking is bad so don't remind me.

The other day someone made a comment about how many cigarettes I smoke.

"Calculate how many you smoke and add it up" she suggested.

So I decided to do that. I'll count how many I've had per day, per month and then per year. I think the numbers will be pretty high but I guess we'll see.

Now I'm helping Science !

Eating bad Chicken

Earlier today I made a thread asking people if it was safe to eat expired Chicken. A lot of people gave helpful hints and advice, many others told me not to eat it. One person told me to post pics of he wouldn't believe me, I went one step further and made two videos about the whole process.

The first video has me showing the packagin, the chicken it self after being defrosted and then the second video shows me eating it.

That is part one and I'm sorry but the audio is a little terrible.

Now I had to do the bit of me eating the chicken in two parts because it added up to 15 minutes of me eating...Whoa boy.. I'll post all the links in a new blog in a bit.

Now be careful cause I'm quite vulgar in these videos.

Games that make me feel bad.

I play a lot of games that are in real time, like Nintendogs and Animal crossing and I love these games. I bought Animal crossing in 2003 for the Gamecube and have been hooked on the series ever since, in fact the main reason I bought a DS lite was for Animal crossing: Wild world.

I spent hours playing this game, checking it three or four times a day. Doing jobs for all the animals, going to visit them and just fishing or catching bugs. I bought AC:WW in January of 2007 and by November 2008 I had completed the game, not 100 % but I had done all I could do and it bored me. My younger Sister enjoyed the game though so I let her play it every day.

"Jared ?" she would ask and I look up from playing Pokemon Diamond.
"Yeah?" I'd reply.
"You wanna play Animal crossing now, I'm done for tha day"
"No I'd say" with out hesitation.

I haven't played the game since November and I feel bad, I actually ha emotions for these animals, especially Chow the pink bear, I loved that guy and I find my self feeling sad over the fact that he hasn't seen me in a while...I actually miss him.

The same happened with Nintendogs. I turned it on, found a cute little female beagle and named her Sam. I walked and fed her, gave her water and cleaned her, I tossed her toys for her and entered her in competitions...but I then I got bored and gave it back to my younger Brother since it is his. I miss Sam, I feel bad, she is prbably hungry and thirsty. Sam has'nt had a bath, she hasn't been walked and probably misses her toys.

Video games make me feel bad...I'm gonna go cry in the shower now with my clothes on.

- J Simpson

Blogging here, there and every where.

Blogging is a delicate thing that almost every soul on the planet does, some blogs fail and others soar. Now more then ever all sorts of website offer blogs on your profile and there are even specific sites created for the sole purpose of blogging. I blog on yet on Facebook they offer you space where you can blog,and on they offer it and same with this site and many others. I love blogging, am I good at it ? That's for you to decide. I will blog on this site about games, the gaming world and certain consoles but if you want to check out my other blogs you can find them here: A more humorous blog that I joke around in. My more serious blog.