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#1 jarofdirt882
Member since 2008 • 343 Posts

This to me seems to have been blown a little out of proportion, especially here in the UK.

Now, I don't agree with the supposed actions the owners then took, apparrantly almost throwing them out, quite literally. That is wrong.

UK news links (in order):




The landlord has said if it was a straight couple, he would have asked them to stop too. If it had been a straight couple, no one would have had a problem. But because it's a gay couple, everyone is up in arms about it being discrimination.

A group of mates and me once got asked to leave a pub when one of the group gave his girlfriend a quick peck on the lips. We didn't have a problem with this, and the man even apologised saying that it was a company policy cos of kids and some other stuff... It's not uncommon.

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#2 jarofdirt882
Member since 2008 • 343 Posts



I don't remember seeing this before anywhere, so I thought I'd post it for people to have a look at.

I'm liking the sound of this so far... 

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#3 jarofdirt882
Member since 2008 • 343 Posts


Hopefully we'll see some scans soon :D

I'm from the UK so can't buy it... 


Lucky Americans...

And is there any kind of details in the link. I keep on trying to open it, from the FB page and my browser just dies.

 Though I do quite like how Chrome keeps on displaying... "He's dead, Jim." Everytime it happens.

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#4 jarofdirt882
Member since 2008 • 343 Posts

I'd like more of the characters to be grouped togetehr on the Normandy. I can't tell you how many times Kelly said someone wanted to talk to me and I spent forever waiting for the new level to load only to get to said character for them to blow me off. :-( (Until after the next mission when they were more than happy to spill their guts about their problaem that i had to help them with)

It felt like a chore sometimes going to talk to my team.

That's a good point...I can't really imagine trying to put Jack into some Armor :lol:



Though that would make a hilarious cutscene. 

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#5 jarofdirt882
Member since 2008 • 343 Posts

(I haven't been on here in a while due to lack of internet, but I got Arrival so decided to come on and reactivate myself. XD)

It was good, not great but I enjoyed myself. I hated the Last Stand Acheivement because basically the first time I got to that part, it took me too long to figure out what was going on and I died like twnety seconds after it started. :oops:

Though there was one thing that bugged me, almost to the point of thinking it's a plot hole. So basically Sheaprd rescues Kenson from the Prison and he does appear to contact the Normandy, from what Hackett says at the debrief. So why doesn't anyone think it's funny that it takes him two days to call them in for pickup (and just when everything happens to be going to hell)?

Surely because he knew he was dealing with Repear tech he'd tell them he'd check in a some set time interval? You know, in case they really were indoctrinated or he got indoctrinated (that would be ratehr quick kind you, but you can never be too careful). And if he didn't check in they Normandy would come and check it out?

Maybe it's just me, but that really bugged me. (Or perhaps because I've started watching Stargate SG-1 again recently and they do that allt he time, it confused me).

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#6 jarofdirt882
Member since 2008 • 343 Posts

Personally I think Seth Green should play the part of Joker in the film as well.Reilly86

If it is about Shepard et al and Seth Green isn't in it... I'd seriously consider not seeing it. Well, for all of about two minutes then go see it anyway. :D

Honestly I dunno what to think. Yeah a film would be great. But taking ME into a medium that takes away the choices, which to me were one of the big draws to it, doesn't seem like a completely solid idea leaving portions of fans disappointed for various reasons (oh, you should see some of the moaning about who to cast as Shepard). Not unless they go down the route of prequel without Shepard... perhaps Protheans/last time the Reapers came-a-calling, but then we won't have Shepard, Joker etc which I would sorely miss.

I hope the guys at Bioware who are producers do actually get some input rather than being there to say to the fans "Hey, but we had these guys onboard, don't blame us!"

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#7 jarofdirt882
Member since 2008 • 343 Posts

3. Bastila Shan shows up at the front of republican fleet. She starts arguing with FemShep, realizes they have the same voice and freaks out.


Epic... and what about Carth and Kaidan?

There is one thing I'd really, really like to see... Shepard epically failing to save the universe. I don't care how. Perhaps he gets fed of if no-one believing him, or betraying him etc. and toddles off through the Omega 4 relay with a select group of people. You know, repopulate the galaxy and all that. :D

Now, one of the big questions... assuming everyone that could survive did, who do you think will be recruitable in ME3? All? None and have completely new characters? The only one I'm fairly sure about is Samara (assuming you chose Samara over Morinth) as she says something along the lines of if Shepard ever wanted her help, she'd come (I don't know what Morinth says, I've not picked her yet).

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#8 jarofdirt882
Member since 2008 • 343 Posts
I never had any time off for Saint's day when I was in school. Now I'm in uni, every celebrates by going and getting completely hammered on Guinness. And I don't drink. :((But I am owned a pint of Guinness to try by my dad, I won a bet months ago.)
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#9 jarofdirt882
Member since 2008 • 343 Posts

I have a question about the first question.

[QUOTE="Falcon084"]What is Wrex's first name [ME1 AND 2]:Vladka22

@Falcon084 his first name is Urdnot

Surely Wrex's first name is Wrex. Because Urdnot is his clan name, like a last name.

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#10 jarofdirt882
Member since 2008 • 343 Posts

"there is a high statistical probability of death by gunshot. a punch to the face is also likely." :lol:Mr_Silent_D

Legion is just epic.