Well, what has happened, on this, the break of spring? This week has really been odd as far as I can tell- lots of things to kick off with, and so, so little time to convey it to you.
Well, the catholics have a new pope.... Technically, I myself am catholic, but, I say the catholics. so there.Turns out he was in the hitler youth, is a clone of the last pope, and condems "gays and rock music." Next time, choose the black pope guys. Seriously. help a brother out.
I finally got around to purchasing a DS- F**K anyone who speaks badly of it. I have to say, if it can push past some of the gimmicky games that are coming out for it ( No, I don't want to touch you Wario.)
Hitchiker's movie coming out next week. I have heard that this is the "best they could do", in balancing the comedy of the books with a normal movie audience. You Know what? F**k that. No matter what they say, I know me, Lunchboxx and Chinbobbabobot are going to piss ourselves watching that god forsaken whale fall through the sky. Note: if you have yet to read the books, either pick them up now, or kill yourself. You've got two choices.
Robot chicken is awesome, a great new show from Adult swim. No ryhme or reason, just funny.
Also, I picked up a copy of "Silent Bob Speaks", signed by go- err, kevin smith. It is more genius from him, sure to please.
Funny enough, I sent a copy of this to an old enemy of mine. He didn't think it was as funny as I thought it was.
And then they all died.
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