many (well, actually, very few of you) might have noticed my all together absence from the site lately. Mostly, because I've transferred my old need for late sleepless nights gaming. WoW used to fill this need quite well, but after two years of playing, I decided to find a game I could turn off when I wanted to go out, read, or just watch a movie.
And, I've finally found the game that fills the bill!
Team Fortress 2!!!
It has all the old fun of WoW's long hours and class based fun, in short bite size doses. And, I can turn off my computer without feeling like I'm letting down 24 other people who were all depending on me to down Kael'Thas that given evening.
So, in honor of my new addiction, I've posted my review of the PC version of The Orange Box, which can be found here.
Anyone who reads this who wishes to find me, can find me on Steam under the alias Underpants!!!
See ya all when I finish Crisis Core...