@nayce54 @jasonak In the industry, 'AAA' is an adjective used to describe large-scale development studios with massive multi-million dollar budgets. Technically speaking they have no less right to dabble in the Early Access market than any other developer, but they usually can afford to invest in the development of a new product without doing so.
AAA developers can try to dip into the 'Early Access' market all they like, but they won't be getting any of my money (unless of course they cleverly conceal their identities by creating straw man subsidiaries). I see 'Early Access' as a means by which developers can create a product that they otherwise never could afford, not a means for financially robust companies to avert the risk associated with making a product that could potentially be unsuccessful.
Imagine two different scenarios: 1) An 8-year-old child has access to a PS3 with violent video games but no loaded firearm; and 2) An 8-year-old has access to a loaded firearm but no PS3. Which scenario would have been more likely to end in this poor woman's death?
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