I have barely changed the last 3 level updates
by jasonbolt on Comments
In the past 3 level updates I've gone up an astounding %14! This time I went up %8. Probably from my submissions accepted, and the review I wrote, with the blog, and forum posts. =| After learning what a production code was, I noticed that for the first episode of Trigun, someone put the production code of 1. Appraoching 1 month for my first Trigun submission. It was submitted on July the 30th, so it's been waiting for 25 days. The sad part is I still have at least another month of waiting. I had 3 Trigun submissions accpted, two of my rescent ones, and one of my old ones. That's about 17 points! ;) I submitted another episode Trivia, and I left a message to the moderator if he could please go through some of my other Trigun submissions. It's so crazy it just might work! It's worth a try I suppose.