I like video games, but no I'm not a serious gamer. I'm slightly more than a casual gamer though. I grew up in the era of Game Boy and N64, I like my games challenging and addicting but not frusterating. I'm the sort of person who beats the game on easy, once, and that's it. Because while I enjoy video games, let's face it, I have enough frusteration in life to want to NOT do the same level again, and again, and again, until I could do it in my sleep to shave a few micro mini-seconds off my time to place first as opposed to second or to get that darn star Mario seems to need so bad.
So, my interest in video games started when I got my Game Boy, where I played Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, Kirby and the Donkey Kong games. I loved my Game Boy, but eventually I discovered that the home console system could offer so much more. Thus I got an N64 bundled with the Star Wars Episode 1 Racer...soon I was catching up on all the games I had been missing out on. GoldenEye, Rouge Squadron, Mario Kart 64, Star Fox 64, Jet Force Gemeni, Mission Impossible, Donkey Kong 64, F-Zero-X, Battle Tanx 2, Army Men: Sarge's Heros and 1080 Snowboarding. It was golden age of video gaming.
On the day of it's launch, I purchased a Game Cube. I got Rouge Squadron II: Rouge Leader and Wave Race. When they came out, I of course picked up Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, and later, I picked up Soul Calibur II, Jedi Outcast, SSX 3, Monkey Ball 2, Burnout 2 and Need for Speed: Most Wanted. For many years my video game systems lie unused, collecting dust. Eventually the next generation of video game systems came out, I heard of the Wii, the XBOX 360 and the PS3, but never really tried any of them. I tried to revive my own video game system by aquiring some x-men and batman games for my GameCube but nothing seemed to fix the video game itch that began to grow again...
Eventually, my girlfriend, convinced that the Nintendo Wii was a good system, decided to buy it for us as a birthday gift to me. Naturally, we picked up the Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Sports Resort and I picked up Red Steel 2. I could see why the non-video game people (like my girlfriend) had really gotten into the Nintendo Wii, it was more simple, even more social of a system then previous Nintendo systems. The motion controls were different, sometimes fun, sometimes frustrating. Eventually, picking up Sega All Star Racing, Mario Galaxy 2 and Super Mario Bros, I discovered Nintendo was trying to reach the retro gamer as well. But a stroll down the video game asile told another story entirely. Where had the snowboarding game gone, or the wave racing game, or the rouge squadron series? What happened to the highly explosive arcade Battle Tanx game or the massive living room I could run around in and shoot my friends as a little army man? Where were the fun games? The intense speed? I saw lots of Wii Fit games, games for kids, party games, lots of lame movie spin offs, and just a general pile of junk games. I began to see that Nintendo was not the great video game company it once was. I'm glad to see Donkey Kong Country Returns and Golden Eye, but what about the 1080 Franchise, or F-Zero, Wave Racer and the like? Where have all the other non-Mario fun games gone Nintendo?
Thus I began to look for a new system. Nintendo had found their niche in a new market filled with little kids, families and non-video gamers in general. While I had been a long standing Nintendo Fan (for no particular reason other than they continued to fill the video game void in my life quite well). I looked at the XBOX 360 vs. the PS3. While they still didn't have games like a really good snowboarding game, or a wave racing game, they had a bunch of other things that really intrigued the video gamer within me. Batman Arkyum Aslyum, Assassians Creed, Battle Field Bad Company 2, Burnout Paradise, Motorstorm, Halo Reach, Killzone 2, Modnation Racers...there were many games enticing me to make the jump to a new video game system. I guess I had felt that Nintendo had let me down, sure Wii Tennis or Bowling is fun, and Red Steel II was amusing until my arm got too sore and Mario and company dazzled me with their fun, but I was longing for some good intense variety of hard-core gaming once more.
Thus I knew I'd have to choose between the XBOX 360 and the PS3. It wasn't an easy choice. I took my time to read reviews, research the hardware, the games, the reasons. Whatever minor hardware differences between the two would be a non-issue. The fact was that in the end, I wasn't going to buy a 100 games for either system, so I didn't really care how many games were on either and while I wanted to play online, I also didn't want to pay extra money for the ability to play online. I wanted solid games to fill my library with to play and in the end, the PS3 seemed to offer more variety in the games it offered. From Infamous to Modnation Racer and from Uncharted to Killzone and Little Big Planet, PS3 seemed to offer the variety of games that I would want. My creative side also was really intrigued by the "Create. Play. Share." mentality that Sony seemed to be promoting.
Here, one year later, I am happier than ever with the choice I made. From Batman to Uncharted, from Infamous to Wolverine, from Assassins Creed to Red Dead Redemption & L.A. Noire, from Burnout to Motorstorm, from Battlefield to Need for Speed, from Resistance to Killzone and from Modnation to Little Big Planet buying a PlayStation 3 was the right choice for me becase of games, not because of hardware, motion controls but because of the games, the exclusives, the multiplatform games, the variety...from shooters to racing games, from platformers to kart racers and from third person action adventure to rpg action sandbox games. I used to be a Nintendo fanboy, now I am becoming a Playstation fanboy...
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