Listen, I have been a 360 fanboy for a long time. That time is GONE. Not because of this article. The 360 functionality is for crap. With a 70% failure rate who the hell cares about a minute....MINUTE detail on a....lets just say.....DEADSPACE. That comparison was bought and paid for. Did you put a nick in the AV cable for the PS3 or were you guys bought and paid for. This whole comparison and rating system is bought and paid for. 1 Gears of war 2 .....BROKEN 2 Halo 3 - high ratings....crap game 3. Look at the Deadspace pic comparison. I'v played it on BOTH. This is a joke. Was one on a CRT tv and the other on a 1080p plasma? or like I said did you guys cut the AV cable on the PS3 and then draw your comparison. This is not a matter of opinion. ITS A MATTER OF FACT. PC will always be ahead until the day no one buys its games. But as for the 360 vs the PS3...I just bought my PS3 two days ago because I bought into the 360 hype pile of garbage system that it is. Sure its got a couple of BROKEN games the PS3 doesnt. Sure they are inovative and perhaps a tiny bit crisper......that all being true. WHAT IS THE POINT IF THE SYSTEM BREAKS OVER AND OVER AGAIN. 360 should be banned because its a nickle and dime machine from a institution that buys their ratings. The 360 should burn. In fact I might just burn mine now after i've seen the light. This comparison holds no water. Gamespot. PLEASE DO US ALL A FAVOR FOR CHRISTMAS. Stop comparing things we are well aware of. PC will always take all when you dedicate a video card to a cost higher than a gaming console. Its pathetic that I have to write this. Secondly, publish some honest to God real reviews. Not Hype or "I was paid to say this and I know everyone sees right through it." reviews.
VolcanicDemon I couldn't agree more man. Its not biased...its just true AT THE MOMENT. I didn't say PS3 had NO potential its just been pretty piss poor up to this point. I completely agree that it seems like there is hope for the system on the horizon but i just hope that i dont get sea sick because staring at the horizon just doesn't work and that system (PS3) just simply has not been worth the money YET. I've sent my xbox back twice now. I bought a second one after the second send back to keep one in I more than feel that pain. Its just an issue of.....the graphics are essentially miniscule in difference...its the games and ps3 hasn't shown up.....YET. When god of war 3 comes out.....mgs4 and grand turismo.....there will be more than one reason for me to buy one....but until that fatefull day of wonderful games comes, ill be a watchfull waiter.
lildave...its okay....i feel for you ps3 people. its like being on a deserted island with enough water and food to JUST keep you alive but only bread and water, nothing fancy or very tasty.......alive and hoping for death. I'm sorry man..great reply though.
Listen guys. We all know, xbox360 and PS3 fans alike, that the the 360 is cleaning ps3's clock. The games for ps3 are simply sub par. The problem is PS3 people wont accept the truth even as it is smacking them in the face. Every time i go into gamestop i ask the gaming geeks all around, "Hey, anything new and inovative, with sweet multiplayer AND great single player come out on the ps3 yet (that i cant get on the 360)" know what i get back? Laughs and studdering.....which is what i expected. Show me ONE game that makes you say....I just have to have a PS3 because i can't get it on the 360. What about MGs4? The eternal promise that most likely will be one of the only games worth owning a ps3 for and then what? Killzone....dont make me much gaming time do we all have....better spend it playing the superior games on a superior system. True, this comparison shows minimal differences but guess what....they are differences for the most part in favor of the 360 yet again. No mass effect, no gears of war. The system is no where worth the price tag. Who cares about blue ray. Seriously. An upconverting DVD player will upconvert to 1080i and for about 500 bucks less so where is the incentive? There is none. All the good, high rated games are either on both systems or exclusive to 360. I'm a huge gamer, I have been since we all could game and its just a plain fact that the incentive is just not there for PS3. I was considering getting one for MGS4 but im just not that impressed. Besides, where is its multiplayer gonna be. Probablly non exhistant. It looks like single player will be the baby, and we all know after 10 hours of play time to beat MGS4 we may play it one more that worth a $500-600 price tag? No way. Show me somthing new and inovative PS3 or just leave, because your blue ray isnt making the decision for me.....neither is your bottlenecked processor (bottlenecked by inferior video card etc.) All i can say is 360 better not puss out because they are the plain and simple clear leader. Quit denying it in the hopes of some "great game promise" like mgs4, which I am betting wont be all that good anyhow. Just watch....its gonna be a graphics game with garbage multiplayer like most all of PS3 games. The question is, "Can 360 keep it going" and PS3 better step it up in a BIG way. I'm not a ps3 hater. not at all. Its another option out there...........options are great..........but the ps3 option is a poor one so far in comparison.
Wow. These are just simple observations. And In regards to the "looking like a sci, fi comic book, 300" thats a bunch of junk. A game can look sci fi and not be so cartoon like. The colors can be there. The guns look ported from an earlier game (halo 2). Its time to update the look a bit. Quit being a halo groupie and open your eyes. The graphics are good (Bubbles etc) in certain areas, but not nearly enough. Its an observation. Don't get mad about it. Its just the plain truth.
Listen folks. Being a gaming nut and an objective one at that I can say a couple of things. 1. When I put the Halo3 in and played it for the first time my first thoughts were, "How is this soooooo great" I'm about half way through the campaign and I'm liking it better, but I'm still HONESTLY saying there isn't a HUGE improvement here. Anyone who has played the game and looks at it objectively can say this. Sure ist polished alot. I'm playing it on an HD plasma with Bose surround. YEAH its good. 2. I'm missing my Call of duty 4 beta. Lets be honest here. This game (COD4) is going to wipe the floor with Halo3. Conclusion. Halo 3 seemes rushed. Its a great game none-the-less, but I did in fact (right out of the box) think that it could have been a bit more realistic looking. Hmmmm a ported Halo2. Not that bad. No way. But I have to say I kinda thought that at first too. The graphics actually get better as you progress through the campaign. Rating 9.0
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