Its not enough 4 of 10 articles be about pokemon go, now we have a round up of the past day news. The game is so bad !!! it dont know why everyone is still playing!!
So @eddienoteddy , as always putting s**t articles in news section!! Why dont you put a sticker in your monitor: "I must not put my s**t articles in the GAMING news section". GAMING must be capitalized.
E-Begging!!!! Garot is in serious trouble!!! When i hear his name i remember : Mediocre to weak games. Tabula Rasa Fiasco !!! looser!! IFFFF it was Kogima Blood , it would cost 50.000 K
I never realized that FF XII was a clone of star wars, now that i know i dont care, since the gameplay surpassess. FF XII story is pretty bad ( as a lot of other FF games), and well... i dont care. If i want a great story i would read a book. Game narrative for me is a plus, gameplay comes first.
javalino's comments