Nine ????? WTF!!!!In terms of gameplay you guys should play ff III remake (3ds ) !!. FF V is pretty nice too !!analysing gameplay only , not storyXII > V > III(remake) > VII > X-2> IV>VIII>IX>X>XIII(all tree)> I > IIi didint play ff VI , will start next weekFF IX is too classic , no customization , fixed jobs. is like a reboot from ff I . boring as hell !!you cant beat ff Vii and ff iV on history , ffviii comes in third
@xcollector: At least GS removed movie news from "news" link. But put 50% of GS home Screen with a MOVIE headline is game over for sure
next move from blizzard: you will have to had all cards that you choose on standard forcing you to buy the packs.!!!
Playstation 4k is for bluray 4k !!! everyone knows that already !! and a marketing tool to fool a lot of people !!
javalino's comments