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jaycromer12 Blog

My Personal Top 10 of 2007

Everybody has to make the obligatory Top 10 list at this time of year. People begin to rank the years releases, and every list looks roughly the same. It also shows that most people play many more new games in a year than I do. I don't think I've played 10 new releases from this year, and I know they aren't the 10 best games. So instead I choose to make a list of the Top 10 games of my 2007, not new releases, but games I played. These got the most played, whether they are new or old. Its more of a "My Favourite Games to Play in 2007"

#10) Wii Sports (Wii)

Still among the best Wii games, and easily the best use of the Wii-mote so far...MP3 was terrible for that by the way. Tennis is great for fast action, Bowling is the game to play with anybody, and Golf is fun when you realize not to use the official control method. Rarely have I had as much fun with a party game.

#9) Super Mario World (SNES)

I had my SNES repaired last year, its seen a lot of play recently. Anticipating the release of Mario Galaxy made me revisit this classic game, on its classic system. I'm much better at the game now than back when I was a kid and first played it. It stands the test of time as a perfectly designed videogame with impectible controls. Miyamoto has also produced excellent games, and this is one of the best launch games ever.

#8 ) Burnout Revenge (360)

Discovered this game's demo on XBLA and had to buy it for my girlfriend. Its one of the rare games we play together, she loves not having to worry about crashing since its the point of the game. Racing is a distant second to smashing people. I look forward to playing with her when she suggests it, she gets so competative its adorable.

#7) Portal (360)

I am not putting down the entire Orangebox, because only Portal deserves the spot on this list. I didn't care for TF2 and HL2 lost my interest once I got to that "haunted" town full of head crab guys. Portal however was amazing, one the better puzzle games ever made and hilarious. I want them to release an XBLA version, or downloadable sequel, so I can get the genius without the rest of the "meh" games.

#6) Super Paper Mario (Wii)

Classic Mario action mixed with clever 2d/3d puzzles. Super Paper Mario is cute, challenging at just the right level to feel you accomplish something without ever getting frustrated, and funny to boot. I know most reviewers will forget about this title when they make their lists, but it deserves to have a spot on somebody's.

#5) Lost Planet (360)

Decent shooter game that kept me from Grad school work for a week and a half, the story does suck, but who cares. The boss fights are epic and the need to stay warm is a neat edition. It kept in entertained, that counts for a lot.

#4) Gears of War (360)

The cover system got so much hype, it works very well, but this game was nothing new for me. I played Kill-Switch on the PS1 a lot and it had a similar system, only not quite as fun as Gears. The story is terrible, every line is cheese max, makes for some good laughs. The action is fast, intense, repeatative at times. How I wish the "driving" sections were removed, just lame.

#3) Halo 3 (360)

Single Player was fun. I enjoyed what I played, even though I had no idea what the story was (I never finished Halo and didn't play Halo2 linearly). Killing Brutes is just plain entertaining. Multiplayer is amazing, makes me actually use the Live account I paid for. The kids online are annoying, but playing with my friends from far away is a hell of a lot of fun, especially when we just goof around. I was almost tempted to include the Beta test as a separate entry too, I never playd an online game as much as that one.

#2) Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)

I finished Zelda TP this year, after starting it when it was released in 2006. It was done by february, but it still ranks as #2. is it the best Zelda, no, but its a ton of fun. I cared about what was happening in the game, and the opening town actually felt like a place I wanted to revisit. It was gorgeous and felt real. I don't get why people complained about this one so much, it was what everyone asked for...a return to the Ocarina style of graphics and gameplay. Wii-mote worked perfectly, much better than a GC controller. Ah well, it was one the best games I ever played. Its still the best Wii game in my collection.

#1) Crackdown (360)

Odd choice for #1...sure, but it my favourite game to play. I can't stop just running and jumping around the city, searching for agility (only 2 left) and hidden orbs. Killing the gamg members is still fun, after having cleared them out twice now. But the real joy is simply jumping and exploring. I feel it in my stomach when I climb the buildings, simulating vertigo, and get dizzy. Its a rush of a game like no other has ever been. I want a sequel, or an expansion pack, so I can explore a new city with my super-hero cop. the only problem was the sucky ending, which ruins part of what makes the game rather a little unique. I think a top game has to be fun, not neccessarily the "best" game. Crackdown is repeatative and flawed, but the fun of it overcomes those problems. Its my favourite fantasy game to play this year.