Today, my heart was filled. Seeing Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith made me so happy. I loved all the other movies too, but until today I never realized how much I really loved this saga. As the movie started I found myself smiling for no reason at all except for that fact that I knew that all my questions would be answered in the next 2 hours and 45 minutes. The movie was great, no where near the flop that I had heard people talking about. Action sequences were thrilling, story was great, and all the little things from the original series were explained and tied into this one. Yoda was awsome. I love that little guy. ***SPOILER ALERT*** And when Mace Windu died, I about went after Anakin myself. ***End of SPOILER***
On another note, just got Level 8 today:
Quad Damage - A power-up in Quake that drastically increased the amount of damage your weapons did.