It's a little late, but better late than never. Since I mainly play only the Xbox, the games I list will be Xbox titles. So let's get to it. (These are all games that I own or have played. Can't really talk about a game you haven't played, can you?)
5. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Running on walls, controlling time, cutting victims in half; who can't have fun doing that. The darker side of the Prince proved to be bloody, yet very fun. This time around you had to destroy the sands while being chased by a demon. This game was a little more challenging than the first one was, but that's what makes it even better. The storyline isn't as good as the first one was, but let's face it, sequels hardly ever are. Overall, I loved this game and don't regret for a second getting it.
4. Fable
Alright. Delayed forever, tons of hype, and great previews. So why do people hate it. It's too short. Yes, it is. But when play through doing all the side-quests and just explore the game, it is hours of fun and I don't see how people can hate it. Just as the box says, "Every coice, a consequence." This game throws everything little thing you do into consideration, and it also shows that nobody can be completely good or evil. I played through good, but I still found my self getting evil points for little things such as stealing (haha) or punching a guard. I absolutely loved this game and I hope they make a sequel (that is longer).3. Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Flat out awesome. Very good story, though not as good as the first KOTOR, that grabs you and keeps you wanting to know more. Character customization was better this time, as was character development. Tons of new force powers and skills allowed for more complex and funner gameplay. My only down point is that it left you thinking that right when you were about to find out what happened to Revan the game was over. That sucked, and it only shows that they had better make a 3rd one to finish this great story.
2. Mercenaries
Maybe not in everyone's opinion, but for me this was a very close second. GTA military style, what could be funner? Hijacking helicopters 20 ft. in the air, gotta love it. Missions get repetitive sometimes, but so do the ones in GTA. Gameplay is very fun (except for the fact that they can't swim), and the problems of trying to keep every faction happy is also fun and challenging. I had been looking forward to this game for a very long time, and all I got to say is that it didn't let me down. (I know this was a 2005 game, but I have it now, so this list is kinda going off what I got now).
1. Halo 2
Let's face it. Contrary to what other people say, I think Halo 2 was absolutely awsome. It may not have lived up to the hype that people had for it, but take a look at what people were saying about it. There were rumors about features that Bungie never even considered putting in the game. And then there is the cliff-hanger. I know it mad a lot of people mad (myself included), but come on people. Bungie wanted to be that way, so I have no doubt in my mind that we will find out why they left us out to dry someday. Multiplayer (both live and not) is fantastic. Not only all the available features, but the gameplay alone is flat out fun. Overall, I knew it would be #1 before it came out, and no matter what, I will be playing it for a very long time.
2005 GOTY: Jade Empire
Questions, comments, rebuttal?
P.S. I tried putting the games pictures on there, but every time I submitted it they wouldn't appear. Anyone know why?