think ill stick to the games that are only coming out for next gen , because then they will be putting all there efforts into next gen gaming n not focusing on this gen , its clear that this game will be gr8 on this gen , but fall short on next gen . and 1080p or 720p shouldnt even be a decision, it should be 1080p ofcourse.
lol it stupid , yeah coz the world was such a gr8 place when there was no violent games, music n films . no 1 was violent at all , back then evryone was friendly and no 1 mugged or killed, it was just perfect :P
did u guys even look at the hardware specifications , think you will find that the ram is far better . plus even if u get eye it still cheaper. plus i want it to game , not act like a spazzed up kid in front of a camera
ur an idiot pal , u dont even need it to play the GOOD games . n even if u wanted it its $60 dollars which makes ps still cheaper and better hardware . ur a tool
haha yeah . governments make no sense though , they think it will make kids replicate it n stuff . yet they show stuff like that on t.v . plus they let 1 of the worst drugs that promote violence be advertised and legalised . which is alchohol . many deaths are a result of drinking
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