I've had every many incidents of gamer rage. Infact it's pretty much a problem of mine. First time I really got pissed off at a game it caused me to destroy a controller was Need for Speed underground on PS2. That game pissed me off so much. I remember one of the last races in the game it just started to get impossible. And i always crashed into a stupid civilian car around the same place. I kept throwing the controller accross the room but the cable meant it stopped itself from hitting the wall. But then i got so pissed I got the controller and kind of spun it around my head like a lasoo and smashed it on the floor at full power. It was pretty much behond recognition after that. After that ive destroyed about 3 Ps3 controllers by chucking them at a wall (thats the downside of not having a cable :p) Worst gamer rage ive had was with my PsP. I think the game that got me pissed off so much was pursuit force. Damn that game got hard as you got further into it. Basically I got so pissed at the game I did I headbutted the PSP as hard as I could which completely cracked the screen. Even worse than that was recently when I got pissed at Fifa when i lost in a tournament. My poor laptop happened to be sitting right next to me and the was nothing else to let my rage out on. So I punched the Sceen and what do you know, it broke. Oh yeah and another Fifa rage was snapping my Tv remote in half.
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