Ghost Hunters
by jchamberlin on Comments
Yesterday, I was able to catch a marathon of Ghost Hunters ( It's a great show on the Sci-Fi channel. It's about a group of people who go around trying to debunk hauntings in people's homes, businesses, etc. I caught an early episode of this (third episode) a year or so ago, and loved it. I hadn't seen an episode of it until yesterday, when they re-aired the entire first season (second season starts soon). If you've not seen the show, check it out. This stuff is not a Fictional show, with special effects or anything, it's very much a real thing, proving/disproving hauntings. Chairs moving on their own, something literally knocking someone down to the ground, strange voices. One of the last episodes in the season, saw us being introduced to a young man, Adam who lives in the house his Grandmother/Grandfather lived in. Adam's Great grandfather built the home. He's had the hair on the back of his neck stand on end, people have heard a woman's voice, when there aren't any women who live there, when friends stay in one of the bedrooms, they feel like they're being watched, and don't tend to stay there again. While they weren't able to find video evidence, they seem to have been able to record an elderly gentleman softly saying "I miss Adam". It was very creepy. It turns out Adam was very close to his grandfather... Anyway, it's coming out on DVD sometime this fall I believe. Take a look at it - it's just great stuff.