Please Fix The Phantom Editor Queue Bug
by jchamberlin on Comments
Early on, there was a problem with the Editor Queue which would basically tease us, saying we had submissions in our queue, but we couldn't see them. cooncesean worked on it a while back, and it fixed the problem, well, for everyone who was suffering from the problem at the time, but it seemed to only be a temporary fix. The same problem is still here, and I've had it since gaining editorship of The Colbert Report, Steve Smith, and Tucker Carlson. I've had 4 phantom submissions to deal with, but a few minutes ago, four more popped up, bringing us to 8. Would someone please fix this bug, once and for all?! We were all told by snide that we would be getting the staff back this past Monday, but that doesn't appear to be the case. smushmeg was busy at work, but we don't seem to be hearing much from other software engineers. snide's been pretty much MIA, as has cooncesean, other than posting in one or two blogs. I realize GameSpot gets a lot more traffic and from a business point of view, would be of a higher priority than, but this has gone on for long enough. At the current rate, the "known bugs list" won't be even looked at by Christmas and finished until next Christmas. The only reason the point bugs seem to have been looked at was because there were about 400 topics from people complaining.