jcity723 / Member

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Working my way up the GameSpot ladder

I still have a long why to go until i get noticed on gamespot. It's a challenge but, i'm a gamer so i love a new challenge. Don't get me wrong i didn't create my account just to get noticed. I love video games and i love to play video games. I'm not in it for the fame i'm in it for the game.

Three steps on how to be a True Gamer

Here are the 3 steps it takes to become a true gamer:

Step 1- Experiment with different games/ Dont be afraid to try out a game that you have never tried or heard of before. That's what makes being a gamer fun. Some low key games can be fun.

Step 2- Test your skills/ True gamers usually start the game on the highest level to see where they stand with the elite. You can't call yourself a gamer just because you beat a game in very easy mode. Come on Go for the Challenge. It also gives you some bragging rights when you finally beat it.

Step 3-Try playing the Classics/ Great games are usually the sequals to other great games but wouldn't you like to see how the game was before it became a greatest hit. Sure classics usually don't have the incredible graphics that we are so used to now, but remember its all in the gameplay my friend.

Of course this is GameSpot so most of you already know this, but for all the newbies out there reading this you can be someone great too. Just Go for it.

Is This The Last That We Hear Of The Nintendo GameCube

Sadly Yes. The nintedo gamecube is from here on out done for. Of course with the releasing of the nintendo wii its only natural that it makes room for the next gen. It is well known the the gamecube has taken a back seat over the past years to the Xbox and to the playstation 2. What i find very interesting is that although the Xbox is now the Xbox 360 and that the title of Xbox has never been heard of again, but even though the Sony has released the extremely popular PlayStation 3, incredibly the Playstation 2 remains just as popular to this very day. Of course this can be explained due to the PS3's huge asking price of $500 ($600 for the 80 gb version).

Anyways back to the topic on hand: Even after more than a year of being released the Nintendo Wii continue's to be sold out in many stores thus foiling my many attemps to buy one. Though it was never as popular as Xbox or the PS2 the GameCube has succesfully passed on games into into the next gen such as Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc. Those titles have been passed down to the Wii. Although because of Sony's popularity some titles have left nintendo and jumped into the arms of Sony, most notably: Resident Evil. With the Xbox 360's stock slowly falling this seems like a golden oppertunity for the Wii to take the second place crown. And who knows maybe a year or two from now we will all be talking about the Wii taking the title of First place.