@SapientShell Gaming sites are more about reviews this site is useful when you want to hear about gaming news and updates. As for reviews I depend on myself and since I liked the first game I will probably like this game. Was the first Dead Island a great game? Hell no but I had fun running around and smashing zombies into gooey red paste. What I find remarkable about game reviewers when they use the term repetitive gameplay as slam but that same reviewer are giving games like Call of Duty and Gears of War get scores from 8.5 to 9.0. Not picking on those two but can you tell me there's a huge in terms of difference in gameplay between those sequels?
And I was only joking about Deep Sliver should pay for a better review and I wasn't attacking the reviewer. I made the point how is it possible game A get bash for being repetitive but a game series that rarely changes their gameplay get praise by most critics? Lastly I also stated the truth the only difference between the game reviewer and a guy off the street, the reviewer gets paid for his opinion. BTW Riptide is a spin off not a sequel so basically he's trashing is a expansion pack.
@BillyColeman That is not a fact that sir is your opinion. I find it funny the people who bash this game are the same ones who will defend games like Call of Duty where the only thing that change in that game is the decade. Or in Gears of War case there's a female solider.
Maybe Deep Sliver should send a few extra bucks to Gamespot and that 4.0 score would turn to a 7.0 or 7.5. I find it weird when game reviewers who bash games for "repetitive" play yet they enjoy games like Call of Duty. Anyone defending game reviewers are lame. The only difference between a game reviewer and a dude off the streets, is dude off the street isn't getting paid for his opinion.
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