Throughout my childhood, I originally had a Gameboy Color. I mainly played two games on it. Whenever I went over my friend's house, we played one game on the NES. I bet you can guess it now. Here are my three games that I grew up on:
Pokemon Silver (GBC)
This game was and still is amazing. One of the best games I have ever played, yet I didn't realize it when I was younger until I played more games.
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (GBC)
Probably the opposite of Pokemon Silver, being one of the worst games ever played. Despite this, I loved the game because it was Star Wars, and plus it had podracing! What could be better for a little kid?
Super Mario Bros (NES)
I personally never had a NES. All I had was a Gameboy. But when I went to my friend's house, we would play this all day and night. Although we could never beat the game, it was still awesome.