jdlee05 / Member

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PS3 woes

So, I just got a PS3. I bought it off of Ebay for 300 bucks and it finally arrived at my house yesterday afternoon. So, i take it out of the box, plug it in to my TV and it doesn't work. It will not load any bluerays at all. I know the display is working because i can navigate the home screens. It also plays DVD's, but I can't load a single game or blueray movie. I contacted the previous owner and of course he said that he has never had any problems with it. He packed the thing with packing peanuts and when I removed it from the box it was covered with dust and pieces of the peanuts. Do you think that could have an affect on the Blueray Player. If so is there anyway to clean it? I am so hacked off, I did not spend 300 bucks to have an extra DVD player around. I have decided also the Ebay sucks, the last 3 times I have purchased something on that site have been terrible experiences. Ahh. Just ridiculous.