Microsoft - how much?
Microsoft has had some stumbling blocks to sidestep with their MarketPlace strategy- how much is too much, they say. I can see why the worry is relevant. How far will this marketplace go? I don't begrudge any studio from trying to make a buck by releasing content for a price. Heck, if I put a ton of work into developing a game- I would want to squeeze out a bit more profit from after market. This concept is new to the gaming world, but the hardware manufacturers around the world have been doing this for years. Make a TV, radio, DVD, i-Pod, etc and you now have a product that you can sell peripherals for. I take it that is what Microsoft has envisioned for MarketPlace.
Unlike the hardware business, software is a one shot deal (barring sequels). You buy the game, play it and forget it. (I know, some people go back to it, but I would think the majority of games are only played once or twice). This concept of selling enhancements or extended play, is a good idea, especially if the game is extremely well produced and well received by the public. Who wouldn't want to play more Halo, God of War, or Zelda. I think paying microtransactions for this type of extended play is a great idea. We continue playing a game we love, while paying small amounts for it. I have no issue with that.
My problem surfaces with what is too much. I guess the market will ultimately determine this fact, but I just can't see this concept staying pure and not being exploited. Just as there are crappy games jumping on the bandwagon of successful games, I can see crappy downloads jumping on this too. I also- wish, hope - that this content that we pay for will not fix bugs in a game or patch the software. There are certain things that should be free and available to consumers at no charge. My verdict is still open on MarketPlace, only the future will tell what we have in store. And if I had to guess, with the after market money that these developers are making on this extra content, I think we will see more of this on Sony, Nintendo and the PC platforms. Times are a changing...
I must mention I am speaking in relevance to content download for a price...the PC market has been getting this stuff traditionally for free. Much like we used to get software upgrades for free...
MMO's are a different model, but have been delivering content for a price as well. I tend to be relying more on consoles, but I do see this being implemented for non MMO PC games as well.
Sony - WTF?
Is it me, or has Sony lost it? Not talking about the PS3 hardware, I don't want to get into any flaming wars with anyone, but I am talking about the connection with the consumer. Here is a company that its largest profitable division is in game hardware and software, and they seem to have lost the "fun" factor in what is arguably a business centered around connecting with gamers and producing the next fun thing to do. I know business is business and there are profits to be made and revenue to be met, but of all "business models", the game industry always struck me about at least looking like it cared about its customers. The only industry where we as gamers really dictate through obviously our pocket books and most improtantly our voices, on how games are developed. (note: the movie industry comes in a close second in terms of consumer driven product).
The gaming industry is made up of people who are themselves gamers. They are relatable to us- even if it is perception only. But the most important part of this industry is the kind of loyalty this business fosters with many of its customers. People will purchase sometimes sight unseen because a game was developed my a favorite studio. That goes double for the avid, sometimes rabid, fanaticism shown my fanboys/girls of any particular console (just troll the message boards on this site to get a taste of it- you will only need to read about three to four replys to quench that reality).
So here sits the mighty Sony and the PLAYSTATION (all in caps- go read they will explain) brand which even by their tag line: "Live in your world, play in ours." gives you the impression that their is fun to be had. I am not saying that the PS3 will flop or go the way of the Dreamcast, Sony is too smart for that. But they have shown a greater disconnect between playing in their world and living in ours. From their grandstanding on information, their condescending attitude of - they know what's best and gamers will like it, to simply not being upfront or truthful about their system. Then running retractions and double-talk to cover their asses. The Sony hype and propaganda machine has finally burned through it gears and it will take a lot for Sony to re-establish itself as the leader in this market. Their is just better competition out there for them to take the highroad and dictate to us that they have the right answers. I am still waiting to see how the PS3 is going to WOW me. The Hype over this console is so much, maybe my expectations are too high. It would be nice for the PS3 to make me eggs for $600 bucks, but I doubt it will. I don't doubt that games on that system will be fun- I just wish that they could just show us how much fun it will be.
Nintendo - Wii are still waiting...
This will be short and sweet:
Wii saw you on the floor,
Wii played you as well,
Wii want to know much more,
Wii, when will you tell?
I'm not a poet as you can see, but I am tired. Anyways, I will rant some time later- hopefully sooner than 4 months!!