I am going through a list of RGPs. After going though and read about them. (I have not looked through them yet.) I will add some to the list. Here they are.
Blue Dragon (X360) (It is from the people who developed Crono trigger.)
Pokemon: Fushigi no Dungeon Blue (DS) (relashed at japan already. There is a bug in the game.)
Pokemon: Fushigi no Dungeon Red (DS) (By the way if you want to know it is a dungeon crawler.)
Final Fantasy VII Tech Demo (PS3) (Well there is nothing new about this one.)
[eM] -eNCHANT arM- (X360) (sci-fi role playing game. by software.)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (I am going to cover this one.)
Space Hack (PC) (sci-fi roleplay) (Diablo inspired this game.)
Lost Odyssey (The music composer and producer of FF are working on this.)
Neverwinter Nights 2 (Well this is going to be a interesting game I am going to cover this one as well.)
Final Fantasy III (I am going to cover this one.)
Breath of Fire III (and this one.)
Mass Effect
Fallout 3
Final Fantasy (working title)
Pokemon Diamond
Magna Carta 2
Gods: Land of Infinity
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures
Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra
I also plan on tracking and covering those games also. Kingdom Hearts (PS2), Final Fantasy Collection (PS), Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2), Seiken Densetsu: Children of Mana (DS), World of Mana