For the last 2 days whenever I try to get info on Call of Juarez Bound in Blood it says not found. the review, forums, anything related will not work. I even tried the PC forum and same thing. Any help?
jealousofme's forum posts
I would LOVE to start working out, but I have no access to weights at the moment plus I have no idea how to start a program. Any help?
How are you all doing? I just joined up in this union cause it seems a fun place to be. Looking forward to what all it offers. Add me on either system if you want to play
PS3- Jealousofme
360- Faintestidea
I'm going to buy this game today. Add me on if you want someone to play online with. GT is Faintestidea
ok, how about between undiscovery, last remnant, magna carta 2 and eternal sonata. Does anyone have an opinion at all?
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