@tipsyfreelancer I didn't say the 24 minimum brain thing, that was another poster. Side note: I didn't mind the 48fps at the cinemas (a little dizzying at times), but watching the slower version back home was noticably nicer. I'm interested to see film at 120fps, which apparently gets rid of the 48fps sitcom issue and looks amazing.
Whilst we are back here... In film - when recording something on either a digital or film camera - you are capturing a snapshot of movement. Depending on your 'shutter speed' you are going to be catching varying amounts of motion blur. This is the key thing that affects what we have been acclimatized to see as 'film-like' with 24fps.
When you are playing a game, each frame is an individually rendered still. There is no movement recorded or played-back. You can add shitty motion blur as a post-effect, but that can occur at any frame rate. So saying that 30 vs 60 is going to give a more filmic look, or do anything else to change the aesthetic like in 'filmed' media, is BS.
This explanation wasn't necessarily for you, tipsy, but it seems people still read this thread, so I may as well explain what I had posted in a little more detail.
@illBishop It would be good if the review drew the parallels between the combat and Batman, because I can't imagine many people would consider AC-like combat a positive thing.
@illBishop Do you like the combo and abilities based combat in the Arkham games? Because the combat is very similar to it. Not really at all like AC, actually.
@IndridCipher The open map is quite densely populated; enough so that you could be fighting a mob you ran into, and get screwed by a second mob. The combat is far more like Arkham than AC, in that it is about building combos, and utilizing abilities. It is more difficult than Arkham though. I haven't played a preview copy, my source is other reviews.
@MadKeloo Since 1995 I have been buying and playing FIFA games. The depth and range of features was basically always improving until FUT was introduced 5 or so years ago.
@RobDev Large%, I'm guessing; especially as there becomes less and less incentive to play other modes for long.
I have no inherent problem with the mode, but the way they are going it would be better if they spun it off and maintained a separate full feature FIFA game.
EA have refocused the design of FIFA around making a less compelling game overall to encourage people onto FUT where they will hopefully spend more cash.
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