@BrunoBRS Definitely need a character who can spot traps. I started with a mage and an archer/rogue type, worked well, and the first town has a few characters to team up to balance your team either way, so it is really just who you want to have the most control of.
@simsumre Shhh, shhh, there, there. Bioware didn't lie to us. They'll keep saying it until it is true, just like Crytek kept telling us gamers only care about great graphics until it was t.. oh, wait?
@Gomtor It has been at least ten years since the end of the cRPG era, and almost 15 since its heyday. I suppose it is fair that your sensibilities would have changed over the course of time? I love the combat in OS, and the story/side-stories always have enough going on that I never feel I'm getting bogged down or stuck without any progression.
@GregoryBastards One of the things that makes the game so particularly great is the way its world and gameplay take old school ideals and philosophies and applies modern design capabilities to it. It has the breadth and depth you should expect from a cRPG. Great tactical turn-based combat with expansive dialogue and choice whilst in the world. Really the main negative is that you'll get sick of a few NPC's saying the same thing over and over.
@Gelugon_baat @lmyyyks I figure with games like this the majority of readers will come here after they've played it to see what other people thought of the episode,?
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