@runningman5ksmak Not hard to find out before hand, save yourself the trouble. Besides, unless you're trying to play games on a cheap old laptop basically everything will run at some capacity, but the OP is clearly having troubleshooting problems anyway.
@stan_boyd @noah364 Having played Candy Crush on your phone a few times makes you a gamer about as much as having kicked a football makes you a football player. We don't define things to be elitist, we do it to stop information being so vague it becomes meaningless.
@Erebus I say better 1000 people buy the game knowing they're wasting their $6, than 100 buying it thinking they're paying for an actual game. It's the medias job to give us honest information; what we do with our money based on that information is up to us.
@Daian Because Valve doesn't care because it still gets a cut of every broken copy sold. They just hope that not many people get up in arms about it and force them to give mass refunds.
@spacecadet25 Steam really needs to have some QA in place. I don't care if there are still bad games on Steam, as long as they work someone might enjoy it. But Valve shouldn't be taking money from it's customers for a broken game like this. That's really poor service, imo.
@CannibalFerox I think it may be an important allegory for homosexual pygmy owls using prostitution to put themselves through university arts degrees now that federal funding has been cut. Or, yeah...
Why oh why does Valve allow this garbage on Steam? I don't want Valve to be an arbiter of quality, but I'm sure they can objectively assess whether a game is too broken or unfinished to be sold to its customers?
@kenpachi212 I've been looking forward to that game for ages now. I'm a bit worried that we haven't seen anything hyping the game up in the lead up to launch, but I've convinced myself it's going to be okay.
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