I'm pretty arachnophobic myself. As in I'll throw up if anything bigger than a daddy-long-legs is within a meter or so of me. I have a hard time with spiders in games, but ultimately I think it adds to the game for me. In Metro, for instance, being a dude travelling around killing monsters and what not, I may be on edge a little sitting there at night playing; but add in spiders and suddenly I'm walking around tunnels freaking my ass off. Makes the game much more masochisticly enjoyable if you can channel your RL phobia into greater immersion in the character
I'd imagine a writer like Levine could write books on the back stories he has for all the named characters, and the creation, prosperity and demise of Columbia. Infinite is a game and a narrative most worthy of its own Unfinised Tales, so anything Irrational thinks is important enough to share as additional content, I'll be happy to chip in some dough for their efforts.
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