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jedidonut Blog

So, uh

It's been some time since I've blogged.

This is probably because blogging sucks.

So anyway, I was wondering how you were all doing (not really) and thought, "Hey, why not write a blog and ask those suckers there?"

And here we are.

Also, should I change to a new Sig/Avi set?

Comment, yo, and nominate and later vote for JCU as Union of the year. We deserve it.

Battlefield Heroes

ok, first thing, kinda like a top of the page "p.s." or note,my platinum adventures are on freeze, i hope ill continue them sometime.

anyway, to the topic: battlefield heroes!the new game that's in open beta right now, most probably, youve heard about it, seeing as it's first page on gamespot for some time now. he main porpuse of this blog is to say that ive started playing, im a royalist, and i recommend people to join the beta, because the game is as good as out!

also if i see more people here play it i might create a Battlefield heroes union. ive never made or lead a union, and i think GS doesent have any other unions about this game. it would help me if you read this and want to join, please comment or PM me, youll be charter member and officer...

JD out.

pokemon platinum #2

so, this is the next blog about platinum.

today, i got my first badge, got into the wifi plaza (and wasted ALOOOOOOT of time in there. until i was lead out by the evil bodyguards aka. machop's aka im making stuff up). i also sawa few high ranking vs. recorder battles.

but today, i decided writing about chimchar. the starter i chose.

chimchar is the fire starter in PL, P, and D.chimchar is somewhat a monkey thats on fire, and his two evo's (first at level 14 and second at 36) are to monferno and infernape. chimchar is an offensive pokemon, and most of his attacks are fire and fighting type. in platinum, chimchar and his evo's can go into Amity square. he is also present in the wifi plaza's fire server as a statue.



pokemon platinum #1

So....I got platinum today.

i already had pearl, but platinum has changes. alot, many of you know gamefreak always does this, but this round of money making, they added more changes than usual, even changing/adding a few things from the storyline.

i only started playing it today, so i havent even got to the first gym, but i plan on posting on my blog frequantly about the game, when i finish it i will review the game.

so for this blog - Handsome. Looker, in the english version. Looker is a detective in the International police, and is very good at disguise. Looker is new to platinum, one of the new characters. looker gives you the vs. recorder, also a new feature of this game. You meet looker for the first time inthe metrapolis (lol)Jubilife city, and are lead to him by dawn/lucas (dawn for me, that girl is creepy!) Looker is more of comedy relief, but does have impact on the storyline. Looker is somewhat like Inspector Clouseaufrom the pink panther. Picture:

1 year

The day has come, 1 year ago, 12 april 2008 i joined gamespot.

I havent done anything great, I also havent lvled up alot. i think my contribution to the gamespot community, and mostly the Jedi Council Union, is the many posts i make. i dont, and havent blogged alot, like can be seen. I havent really made any reveiws. What i mainly do on gamespot is post, and i enjoy posting in the JCU.

I want to thank everybody in the JCU, even raimgamer, for the fun i had. is it discussion, RPG, or OT, i had alot of lols in the union, and also learned alot about the star wars universe, which i am a fan of, as my name suggests.

In my year in gamespot, there have been a few holes. times when i couldent really be here, or just didnt want to be here. in other words i was mia for some time. that wount happen this year.

This year, i hope to be an active blogger, maybe post a few vids, reveiw the games i like....and those i dont like that much. i also want to join more unions, and anyone who can tell me about active ones - (in the subject of the "nintendo gaming world" aka mario, zelda, pokemon and all those series, roleplaying, and some nice OT) - i will greatly appriciate it.

thank you for a great year on gamespot!

JD out.

first blog

so....this is my first blog (kinda). i had some last time, before i was mia, but they sucked, so i deleted those.

anywayz, i joined in april 12 last year, and that means, that my first gamespot anniversary is coming. also, i checked my unions, or in other words, the JCU, the union im active in, and i joined it that same day, april 12.

so, i will make another blog in a few days, but when finding out about this, i just had a pop in my head, and remembred why i had joined, almost one full year ago, the gamespot community;

I was searching for cool games, like i always did when i finished the game im playing, and i came across all sorts of games. im a big fan of starwars, i was looking for games like that, and on that, for my PC, back then i had no Wii, or DS. i came across an epic, unreleased game, the force unleashed. it was massive, i watched all trailers available, and articles, and everything gamespot and youtube searching provided. and once, when looking around, i came across a "related" unions section. i wasent sure what that meant, but between names and others, i saw one thing that cuaght my eyes, a cartoonish ver. of anikan on mustafar, or some other jedi there. it was captioned (kinda) by "Jedi Council Union" and other things. i clicked that name, and came to the JCU's first page. i started looking around it. "related games" was full of all of the days star wars games. i also looked into the forum. foruming has never been my thing, but it was plain interesting, with jokes, debates, OT, and an rpg. also, there were officer elections (sky Vs. forte) and lots of diffrent people. i didnt join emmediatly, but i started looking into that, andthinkingmy answers to the many discusions. after about a week i decided to join.

i have went a long way since then, i think my posts make much more sense, and i have more sw knowledge. the "it has been a great year with gamespot" ill save for the 12th, but this is my story, hope someone reads it and comments.